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Sorry for any mistakes.

3rd Person POV-

Luther, Allison, Five, Vanya and Diego were sitting the living room having a family meeting, they didn't know where Klaus was but they didn't bother to go find, or invite him either.

Klaus came through the door looking distressed and he ran inside, he took a quick glance at his siblings in the living room but they didn't notice him. It's not like he mattered to them anyways.

Klaus stumbled up the stairs he was tired, tired of being sober all the ghosts screaming at him but he promised himself he would see Dave. But what Klaus was most tired of was being ignored.

To him it felt like he didn't matter, like no one cared about him especially after his dad locked him in the mausoleum. Being alone scared Klaus so he was grateful that Ben was always there.

~Time Skip 15 minutes~

The five siblings, didn't even notice Klaus come in before, but then they heard multiple crashes upstairs. All of them rushed upstairs thinking it was Pogo or Mom.

The only door that was shut was the door to Klaus' room. Five stepped up to the door and knocked. There was a faint sob heard inside the room. "Klaus are you in there? Its us." Five said but he didn't get a reply.

The five siblings decided to open the door and so they did, there were things all over the place. The bed the flipped over and the trash from the trash can was on the floor, his fairy lights were flickering. They saw Klaus in a ball in the corner sobbing and scratching his throat as if he couldn't breath.

"No no no" Klaus mumbled under his breath. "Dad please", the siblings were confused, why would Klaus say these things? "I don't wanna be in here please let me out." Still confused but not wanting to say anything the siblings all went to Klaus.

Diego bent down to Klaus' level and reached for his hand but Klaus jerked his hand back. Diego grabbed his hand again and began rubbing circles with his thumb on Klaus' palm. "Hey it's ok, it's ok, dads not here remember?" he said.

Klaus started to calm down a bit his sobs turning into whimpers with tears running down his face. He didn't want his siblings to find out about his panic attacks like this. He jumped into Diego's arms as best as he could and cried into his chest.

His other siblings all piled into a weird hug on the floor and Klaus' whimpers turned into silent tears which turned into quiet snores.

Diego picked up Klaus and he him on his bed after Luther picked it up. He tucked him in and the five siblings looked at each other, faces laced with concern but left the room.

~Time Skip to the next morning~

It was around 10am and all the siblings, not including Klaus were talking about what happened last night in the kitchen. They were talking quietly when Klaus entered the room.

The talking quietly stopped and everyone looked at Klaus as he buttered his toast silently. He only noticed their talking stopped after he sat down so he looked up at everyone and saw them staring at him.

"What? Is there something on my face?" He said. The other siblings looked at each other and made a silent agreement and all sat down. They looked at Klaus and Allison started the conversation.

"What happened last night Klaus?" she said and it all came back to him, his panic attack, and sobbing into Diego's arms.

Klaus looked down, discarding his piece of toast to his plate. "It was nothing" he said, but no one believed him. "You sobbed into my arms Klaus" Diego said.

"I-i know it was n-nothing though.." Klaus stated quietly, barely above a whisper but they all heard him. "Nothing my a**, you had a panic attack Klaus" Luther all but screamed. Klaus looked at Ben who was standing next to him but Ben just gave him a look that said 'tell them'.

So he told them, all about dad and how he locked him in the mausoleum when they were younger and how the drugs were the only things that made the ghosts stop. He also told them how the ghosts screamed at him and how he couldn't control it.

The siblings listened and they didn't ignore him like the other times they stayed and helped him through his problems.

And Klaus was happy. He wasn't ignored anymore.

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