Chapter 1 The Beginning

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 Getting ready to see Archie for the first time all summer. Me writing and doing my enter-ship and him working with his dad has kept us a part for most if not all the weekend. Everyone has heard about Jason Blossom's death. It is all everyone is talking about. No one knows why or how he died and not both the twins that day. All I know is that I will be the one who finds out the truth. 

    It all started on July 4th. Cheryl and Jason were riding on a boat. Then boom out of nowhere he was drowned and killed trying to save Cheryl's glove. Or so they say that's what happened. I am here to tell you the story of Jason Blossom's death and how it effected Riverdale forever.
   There are these 5 best friends friends. Ronnie aka Veronica, Betty, Archie, and Jughead, plus Kevin. Can these 5 best friends find out what really happened to Jason? I don't know and would love to find out. 

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