(7) Hadley Snaps!

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A few hours later Hadley was in the doctor's lounge fixing her some tea when Bucky came in with the guys. She turned around "Hey doll baby." he said as he came over and kissed her cheek. 

"What's wrong?" he whispered

She sat her tea down "Hadley don't.. baby that was 7 years ago don't start a fight." he whispered

"How could you four sit there and not listen to him when he tried to tell you that he didn't want to go?' she said 

Sam looked down 

"Do you have any idea why I showed up at the house? Bucky was suppose to meet me to not make things right with me but to help me pick out a flavor for our wedding cake and to work on the menu with the caterer. Do you know how it embarrassing it was for me to call and cancel those appointments or how I sell my wedding dress when I just bought two weeks before. How I had to be the one to make the phone calls cause the invitations had been sent out!" she said in a raised tone. 

Bucky looked down with his back to the guys as he leaned against the table. "How I had to cancel everything for my dream wedding that you all were apart of? We had been fighting and you all go and make it worse all because you thought it would be fun to take him for a bachelor party. There was a reason why there wasn't one planned he didn't want one Sam!" she yelled at him. 

"So because you all wouldn't listen to him you I lost money and so did my dad and his parents cause some of the things that we had to cancel was non refundable like my 3 thousand dollar wedding dress." she said just as the girls came in. 

Bucky wiped tears as he laid his other hand on hers. "Hadley.." Nat said 

Hadley felt her pager buzz and she looked at it. "I have to go and if our couples therapy is successful and we decide that we want to get married again. We will just elope James cause they may be your friends but they aren't mine anymore. They disrespected me that weekend  by dragging you out and acted like they didn't give two shits about how things would make me feel." she said as she walked out.

Bucky looked down then gave her a few minutes "I'll talk to her guys." he said 

"Buck.." Sam said 

Bucky stopped "I'm sorry man I know now why you have harbored so much anger towards me when things ended." Sam said 

"I'm not the one you need to apologize to Sam. I accepted yours a long time ago it's her that you hurt. " Bucky said as he left to go find her. He went down to the ER to find consulting with a patient and his parents. She came over to the nurse's station and started to make notes. "Kellie get my patient admitted and get x rays on his right arm please." she said then turned to Bucky. 

"Baby come here." he said he pulled her by her hands and put her in between his legs. 

She looked up at him "I love you but.." he said

"James I know they are your friends but they disrespected our relationship. " she said 

"I know baby..but your daddy will not let us elope and you know that. You are his baby he may not have cared that Jordan eloped with Kelsey but he's your older brother but he's gonna with you. I want to give you your dream wedding baby I told you that all those years ago when gave you a ring." he said as he held her cheeks then he kissed her then he hugged her. 

"But we will discuss that more when we get to that point." he said as she wrapped her arms around him. 

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