Where you left me

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"You know i have to leave," you say. Avoiding my eyes for you know just as well as I do that we are one. We are one. How many times have I heard you say those words? It's at least like a jillion times. You keep on saying that we're over, At least like a jillion times. Every time you say those words you leave me, and every time you come back. You love me,you need me, you can't live without me.

"We both know you'll come back to me Noha," I say. My hand travelling up his chest, won't stop until it reaches his jaw. Noha still refuses to look at me, I turn his head with the tip of my finger and our eyes meet. Those tremendous eyes, everything about Noha is pure perfection, how he sucks at smalltalk, how he lets me hold his hand when he sleeps, and ofcourse, the way he looks at me. His eyes keeps reminding me of the stars. It's almost as if they're a lightsource on their own. But now, they only reflect coldness, pure coldness. I can feel how his oterwise warm gaze is penetrating my soul, consuming all warmth in it's path. My hand retracts from his jaw as if i'd gotten stung.

"I won't come back to you this time Avie," he says. Avie, his nickname of me, my full name being Avaline, well, Avaline Carla Bothynus. Although most people still call me Avaline, my closest friends call me Ava, and then, as I mentioned Noha calls me Avie. At first I sort of hated it, like why wouldn't he just do like everyone else and call me Ava? But now, everytime he says my name i feel a slight pull in my heart, not the kind of pull that kills you, but a pull that drags me up into the air and permit me to feel like i'm floating. "What do you mean you're not coming back?" I ask, too afraid of his answer, but before i've even finished asking him, he's gone. Now only the stars know where he's heading. I feel another pull in my heart, this time it's not the floating kind, but the kind that kills you. Because he's gone, and i'm still here. For the first time i know, know that he won't ever come back to me.


Cries of the StarsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ