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A girl is lying on the floor as her eyes slowly open, she is wet speckled with soil and freckles of blood, she is in shock staring up at the sky, her name.. her name is Clarke.
Everything is silent but then, she can hear a rustling Sound something COMING it gets LOUDER and Clarke suddenly snaps.
Her head to the side to see what was coming, something appears through the thick bamboo foliage a White Labrador. It stops abruptly, twenty feet away from Clarke looking at her
The dog just stares at Clarke, who lies on her back, caught in broken bamboo stalks, they stair at each other for a while but finally the dog huffs back into the jungle disappearing in the claustrophobic bamboo, Clarke would shout something out but she can't think clearly. She turns to sit up but it's painful to her, she lifts up her shirt to see the source of pain and it's a gash on her side, she reaches to her wound more disappointed than terrified, she finally manages to get to her feet feeling something in the pocket, she reaches. . . And pulls out a miniature bottle of vodka, her heart beginning to Pound, her fear growing, as does a Sound  a Frightening , Odd Sound something revving in the distance Something loud  and the horror of what she suddenly understands far outweighs any physical pain, she runs off towards the sound.
Clarke moves as fast as she can through the thickening bamboo and as she runs there's something that almost beckons to her, she hurry's through the thick growth her  determined eyes forecasted on the thing she is approaching as she gets closer to it she starts making out what it is, it's a white tennis shoe, laces untied coughed mid-fall in a bamboo tree hanging by a branch, she stops for a moment looking at it, she hears the reffing Sound again but it's closer and suddenly it's the most important thing in the world to her, she has to get there and fast. she's moving again Evan faster that before, she is now running, from bamboo into jungle bush thick still but there's some more sunlight. She's almost there, finally she bursts out of the bush on to a beach... she's in shock looking out at a horrific sight, it's a plane crash!
the Middle Section of the fuselage Plowed  Into The sand  one Wing Sticking Straight up, Towering seven stories into the sky, sporadic sparks bursting from the inverted engine, showering down on the absolute mayhem on the sand.
-- and it is like a WAR-ZONE: scattered Fires and wreckage dozen of people running about, some injured, others not they're helping each other, SCREAMING, their cries drowned out by the Sound and Wind caused by the enormous jet engine -- no, not the one on the wing pointing
upward  the other one  the one on the inverted wing, cracked off its brackets and resting at Sand level. The engine still revs spewing coolant and sparks and sucking in sand every time it throttles up.
As she takes this in overwhelmed knowing she is apart of it her eyes well up in fear, she turns to look for help but what she sees... is nothing there's only spectacular ocean, waves violently crashing as far as a half mile from shore  a distant coastline then Mountings, jagged 2000-foot high peeks a deep valley of Jungle , then her eyes are back on the horror of the CRASH, where Dozen of loves are in the balance and all at once he knows that some perhaps most will die if she doesn't take action so she does.
Terror,Smoke, fumes, fire people desperately trying to help each other, running, screaming everything was happening at once, the jet engine momentarily revs down enough to hear a mans scream Clarke turns to the source a MAN stuck underneath two rows of airplane seats ten feet to the side of the malfunctioning engine, Clarke hurries across the insanity toward the man,
She races past a young girl that just stands there screaming like a motherfucker!
Clarke gets to the man stuck under the seats he's too close to the terrifying, LOUD ENGINE which is still so hot that heat ripples can be seen behind Clarke who sweats now as she tries to lift the row of seats off the man With the deafening volume of the jet drowning out any dialogue, we see Clarke yelling for two men close by (one of them is Jasper, 25) they run over and help the three strain hard as they lift the chair sections off Clarke then moves to the man whose leg Bleeds severely.
She rips some of her top, immediately goes to business the way only a Woman with medical training could she begins making a tourniquet, tying the injured man's leg off,
As she ties the leg, Clarke looks up to see a whole mess of simultaneous emergencies including a 50 year old Woman in a peach blouse, who lies unconscious with a 30-year-old MAN desperately trying to revive her, across the beach Clarke can see a girl on her knees, struggling to stand up, but with no one there to help her, Clarke then yells to the two Men she's with to take the Tourniquet Man to safety and Clarke Runs over the wing,
Behind the monstrous revving engine over to the girl (Raven) she helps her up and helps her walk but she stumbles again, my head the young girl strains Clarke helps her sit back down as she sees blood dripping down the side of her face, Clarke asks the girl how bad it hurts, the girl doesn't answer but griping onto her head. Clarke glances up, checking on the unconscious 50 year old Woman in the peach blouse, the 30 year old Man still trying to revive her,
She looks back at Raven and asked her again "how bad does your head hurt" the girl replies I'm fine just a little dizzy, go help someone else they need it"
Clarke looks back at the two Men, carrying the Tourniquet Man away from The loud engine
they're at a safe distance that's when another man, his back to the girls someone we haven't seen runs past, just in front of the massive engine as it refs full blast, THE MAN GETS SUCKED INTO THE ENGINE AND JUST AS HE HITS THE BLADES IT EXSPLOADS
Just Behind The girls, Raven screams and as Clarke covers her with her body as they fall, At least the horrible engine noise is gone now and with Clarkes horrified face close to Ravens, she forces herself to appear calm "listen to me listen to me, you're gonna be okay do you understand?" Raven just nods but Clarke can see the girl is scared and terrified of what just happened to all of them, She sees a girl who looks the same age as them, just standing there looking at the mayhem "You" she shouts the girl turns "come here" Clarke says the girl looks horrified and she mutters "t.. the plane c...cra...crashed" Yeah, I know...get over here! Clarke try's to say calmly, at this point I think the girl will just do what people tell her, what's your name Clarke asks, Octavia she replies, "Okay Octavia I need to to watch Raven for me get her away from the flames, and if she starts getting faint call me. Can you do that?"
"Yes" Octavia replies confused but still terrified. Then Raven says in a huff "I don't need a babysitter" Clarke just looks at her and tells her I'll be back soon. As She gets to Leave Raven mutters under her breath "Thank You"
Octavia quickly begins helping Raven up, as terrified and scared as she is she still tries to comfort the injured girl.
As she runs to the unconscious 50 year old Peach Blouse Woman (Abby) immediately taking over for the 30 year old, whose name is Finn
"Stop her head's not tilted far back enough you're blowing air into her stomach"
"Are you sure? I'm a lifeguard! I'm licensed!" Finn replies
As Clarke begins her work she says "you seriously need to be considering giving that license back"
She is now doing CPR on Abby the way it should be done
"That's exactly what I was doing" shouted Finn
As Octavia helps Raven to the other side of the sand where there is no fire, she falls down again onto the sand in pain, more blood pouring down her face.
As Clarke continues doing CPR on Abby, Finn watches "hey man she still not breathing" Finn interrupts "maybe we should try one of them hole things where you stick the pen in her through" With Clarke getting really annoyed and just wanting to say fuck off she calms herself down and "yeah, good idea...go get me a pen" And Finn finally hurries off , Clarke just relieved to be rid of him, she goes back to Abby trying to bring her back when suddenly: WREEEEEEEEEEORRRRRR!!! a Loud metallic whine which makes Clarke Turn around to look
Dear god it's the fucking wing!
The 75 foot wing pointing toward, god it's actually bending at the fuselage where it's cracked, it stops for a moment away from crashing down upon the sand where Octavia and Raven rest.
Clarke works on the woman faster now "come on! Come on!" The wing bends again about to go, fuel spraying from it
She keeps pumping and pumping suddenly Abby gasps for air horrified, disoriented, but alive
Seeing this, Clarks already running now as the Wing bends again as She runs she yells out
Octavia turns and sees Clarke approach Octavia confused but she turns and sees the wing cracking and coming down fast
Octavia screams as the wing starts to go Clarke arrives grabbing the, and pulls them to their feet rushing them away as the wing falls right behind them like a tipping redwood tree and the wing smashes to the ground landing on pieces of fiery engine, THE WING EXPLODES, an enormous blast pieces of fiery metal rain everywhere, Clarke instinctively protecting Raven, scared but determined
Clarke -- You okay?
She nods -- fast
Clarke (to Octavia) Stay with her.
Octavia (out of breath) Dude, I'm not goin' anywhere. Clarke gets up and moves off
She walks through the wreckage scene amid smouldering piles of debris, and People helping each other. Things seem to finally be calming down
Clarke scanned the beach to see if anyone else needed help but everything seemed to be fine considering the plane crash, Then Finn arrived, urgent holding a handful of pens
"I dint know which one would work best"
For a long beat, Clarke's eyes dint leave the fuselage. Finally she looks at Finn. And the pens. And tears well in Clarke's eyes the whole experience finally catching up to her. Clarke takes all of the pens, saying, softly and emotionally
"...They're all good. Thanks..."
And then Clarke walks off, past Finn, who turns, watching Her go.
A fifty-yard distance from the wreckage, a fellow survivor stands here, staring almost angrily at the wrecked plane. He's 22, handsome, with a cocky, self-centered vibe. And he's smoking. Meet Murphy.
A few others recover about here including another Man, who approaches. 25. Self-deprecating -- somewhere between an adult and a child. This is Monty. "You....uh...ya sure you should be smoking? Monty says quietly
"You sure you want me to shove my foot up your ass?" Murphy replies
Monty walks off. A beat later, he returns

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