A Walk from our Life.

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It all began in September 22, 2014. It was a gorgeous yet gloomy autumn day with the leaves falling and hitting the ground ever so quietly. I was sitting on my favorite spot in my favorite place. I was in an abandoned park sitting on a dull wooden bench drinking some wine in my metallic coffee thermos. I ofcourse did that just to hide the drink from the children and police scattered all over the park.

"Hello! What's your name?"

There were two kids watching me with
their red cheeks from running around so much.

"Psh! Where are your parents?"

"Well... We don't want to talk about it."

There was an awkward pause after that sentence until I finally had the heart to even answer.

"Was it funny?"

"You're sick okay?!?! Why would you even ask that?!?! My parents are dead! They're gone! And you don't even care?!"

Ugh! This is why I hate kids!

"Geez! I was just kidding!"

I wasn't.

"You're a freak! Come on Aussie! Let's get outta here!"

"Fine! You kids are annoying anyways!"

I'm losing to two kids as of right now.

"Shut up weirdo! You're mean and creepy!"

"Psh! *rolls eyes* Look who's talking!"

The boy was now glaring at me which made me smirk a bit while drinking the addicting poison.

"Just come on Aussie! *grabs Aussielia by the arm and drags her away*"

Ah! Glad that's over. Now I can enjoy this paradise called fall in peace. I whistled a tune from my favorite band... The 1975. Their theme is perfect for people like me... Although, I don't always do drugs. I was getting a little bored so then I started strolling around the park holding my concoction of red poison and sipping here and there. For some reason, the Police started to walk my direction and I started walking faster and faster until I was literally running away. I was able to outrun him... Or atleast that's what I thought. I felt a hand turn me around which made me nearly trip.

"What the fuck do you want?!?!"

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to warn you."

"About what?!?!"

"There is war that is about to go on in about 1 minute and we all need to evacuate."

I didn't believe this man. I mean, there would obviously be sirens by now!

"How are you so sure?"

"*sighs and lets go of stranger's shoulder* I warned you... And if you don't believe me then fine."

This guy is full of shit!!!

"Have a nice day. *smirks*"

"*sighs* Be careful."

I walked past the stupid Policeman and heard a few screams. They were probably just the kids. I walked backed to the park and kicked the tricolored leaves away with my boots. I set my wine down and stuck my hand in my pocket. I took out my cigar and grabbed my lighter. I snapped the lighter and lit the end of the cigar as I carefully took it upon my lips and took a drag. I inhalled the nicotine and heat which synced beautifully against the fall breeze.

"Why are you smoking?"

I looked down to see the same kids staring at me eargerly.

"Look kid, I'm flattered... But I'm not gonna date a little girl like you. *winks*"

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