February 6th

7 2 1

Right now its 1 am and I'm still looking for Sophie my dad has called me 32 times and I'm still debating on calling him or not I think I'm gonna.

********** The phone rings***********

"Hello" I said'

"Hello, where are you" He panicked

"Immmm.... looking for Sophie" I lied (well sort of )

"What do you mean, she's with me she said that she couldn't find you when you went for a swim," he said still sounding panicked

"Ohh ill get home right away, Sorry," I said while being relieved

I rushed home and swam into the door. My dad swam up to me and Gave me a hug. He explained how worried he was and that I needed to let him know me and Sophie were going for a swim. he also talked about how I need to be more careful, how I could have gotten kidnapped. After our talk I went up to my room and went to bed.

Sorry for the short chapter but I really wanted to post and I can't put more than 1 day in a chapter. Thanks for reading I can't believe I have 45 people reading I will be posting about a day!!!!!!!!!

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