Lavenders profile :3

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Full name of Character: Lavender "Slaughter" Silver

Nickname:Lavender/ Lav

Reason for nickname: short for her real name

Race: White

Occupation/class: Creepypasta

Social class: low

.:|Physical Appearance|:.

Age: 17

How old they appear: 17

Eye Color: red

Glasses or contacts? No

Hair color length and style: straight, silver with red streaks, waist length

Weight and height: 107 lbs, 5'6

Type of body (build): slim and pretty

Skin tone and type (i.e., harry, slimy, scaly, oily, fair, burns easily): fair

Distinguishing marks (dimples, moles, scars, birthmarks, etc.): Scar across left eye

Is s/he healthy?: she's crazy

If not, why not? Or why are they healthy?: well, shes insnae

Do they look healthy? Why/why not?

No, her skin is pure white


Character’s favorite color: red

Least favorite, why? Pink, its too girly

Music? Rock and roll

Least favorite music, why? Hip hop, way to happy

Food: Spaghetti, tastes like blood

Expletives (curse): flubbing hell

Mode of transport: teleportation

Hobbies: killing


Habits: nail chewing, stuttering

Greatest Strength: extremely strong despite the fact that shes so skinny. Really fast

Greatest Weakness: can't control the blood lust and the urge to kill

Soft spot: her left arm, burned when younger extremely bad

Is their soft spot obvious, why/why not: no, the burn only left a small scar

If not, how do they hide it: its just not noticeable

Biggest Vulnerability:short

Most at ease when: killing

Most ill at ease when: sleepinh

Priorities: kill more people than Jeff 

How they feel about themselves: highly self confident

Past failure they would be embarrassed to admit: once was stabbed by a human

Why? Humans are weak


Hometown: Los Angeles 

Type of childhood: dreadful, her parents died at a young age

First Memory: stabbing her brother in the eye with a butter knife

Most important child hood event that still effects him/her: parents death

Why? It means she has no empathy for anyone

Education: home school

Finances: she lives in a mansion with a bunch of killers, she doesn't care about money


Mother: dead

Relationship with her: bad

Father: dead

Relationship with him: bad

Siblings, How many, relationship with each: 1 brother, blinded him in one eye at age 3, bad

Children of siblings: brother died at age 16

Other extended family: none

Close? Why or why not: no. She never met them


Drives and motives: kill many people

Talents: killing, scythe weilding

Extremely skilled at: acrobatics

Extremely unskilled at: music

Good characteristics:out going

Character flaws: can't control herself

Peculiarities: night terrors syndrome, terrible nightmares she can't wake up from

Biggest regret: YOLO

Minor regrets: eating Toby's waffles this morning... She got beat

Biggest accomplishment: landing 3000 deaths

Minor accomplishments: stealing slendermans favorite watch

Darkest secret: shes basically in love with Ticci Toby

Does anyone know? Jeff, he's like a brother to her

How did they find out: she told him


How do they relate to others:how they kill

How are they perceived by strangers: OMG A SERIAL KILLER

Friends: all the creepypasta

Wife/husband/lover: Soon to be Ticci Toby

What do people like most about this character: she's excitable

What do they dislike most about them: she's crazy


Immediate: beat Ben at CoD

Long term: earn slenders trust

How do they plan to accomplish them: don't steal any more of his watches

How will others be effected by this: they won't have to deal with there bickering


How do they react in a crisis: kill everything in sight

How do they face problems: kill them

Kind of problems they usually run into: getting slapped by Jeff because she stole his knife

How they react to new problems: kill them with her scythe

How they react to change: badly


Favorite clothing, why: black hoodie, they're so easy to disguise my face with

Least favorite, why: skirts. Need I say more

Jewelry: a necklace of a knife that Jeff gave her

Other accessories: none

Where do they live: slender mansion

Where do they want to live: slender mansion

Sleeping habits, why: bad, she always wants to kill at night

What do they do too much of, why: killing

Most prized possession, why: her scythe

People they secretly admire, why: Toby, she has a crush

Person they are most influenced by, why: Jeff, he's a famous CP and excellent at killing

Most important person in their life before story starts, why: her brother

How do they spend the week just before the story starts: um, killing

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