Lavenders story

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"Lavender Dear! Please come downstairs!" Called a voice. A young girl, probably about 2, groaned and walked downstairs to answer her mother's cries. "What mommy?" She answered. The mother glanced around nervously. "There's going to be a new addition to the family." She said, the wide grin on her face evident. She jumped up an down. " I'm gonna have a little brother?" The young girl exclaimed, and the mother nodded. "Yay!" Exclaimed the little girl, and she quickly ran off, her ponytails flying behind her.

15 years later

"Silver!" I called, and my brother came forward, clearly busy. "What?" He asked, rubbing his eye. I remembered the day when I was 6 when I accidentally stabbed him in a eye with the butter knife, causing him to lose one eye. I pushed my dark hair behind my ear and handed him a plate. "Dinner is ready." He walked off with his food and up to the room you guys shared, me quickly following. He was sat on his DS playing that Pokemon game again, and I climbed up onto the top bunk. I heard the slamming of a door, signifying mother was headed off to work, and an insistent knocking sounded. My father came in, and saw Silver playing his game. He gave a loud sigh, snatching away his DS. "Get rid of this stupid game!" He roared, throwing the DS across the room. It smacked the hardwood floor, cracking. He then slapped Silver, much to my dismay. "Hey!" I yelled, tackling him. "LEAVE SILVER ALONE!" He stared me down, before slapping me to and running off. I picked up Silver's DS. It was completely shattered. He looked on the verge of tears. "Silv, its okay." I said, wrapping an arm around him. He calmed a bit, but continued sniffling.

The next day my father continued to beat Silver whenever he caught him playing on my DS which I had gave him, and would hit me to whenever I attempted to intervene. I  Would always end up patching Silver up, but the abuse continued getting worse by the day.

One night, my mother noticed a bruise on Silver's face. I knew it was father, and she wouldn't believe me when I said so. I was SO tired of this it hurt.

Eventually, Silver stopped playing Pokemon. i knew how much he loved that game, and it hurt me for him to have to give up one of his favorite things. But, for some reason, the abuse continued. mother was starting to get worried I was telling the truth.

One night I awoke in the middle of the night to see Silver standing there, his bags packed. He saw me awake and placed a hand on my shoulder. "I have to do this." He said, and then he jumped out the window.

The only thing silver left behind was my old DS. I picks dit up, examining it. All I could think about when I tried to play it was silver. I ended up selling it on Ebay, along with everything Pokemon related in the house.

Occasionally, Silver would visit me in my dreams, but I would always wake up and realize it was just a dream, and go back to sleep. After wkaing up up from one of these dreams, one night, I saw a figure in your bedroom. He had no arms and 2 black eyes with red pupils, and he was wearing a Pokemon trainer outfit. He looked over at me, an do realized how much he looked like Silver. The figure immediately jumped out the window, but I was sure he was there.

I ran after him, and chased the figure all the way back to a town I didn't recognize. Everything was pixelated, and ghosts were floating everywhere. The boy was gone, and I was suddenly surrounded by the ghosts. They were whispering things, and one thing stood out that they were saying. "There's no running from this battle." I ran back to the house, scared, and climbing back in my window

After seeing who I thought was Silver looking like that, something inside me snapped I steeped out of the bedroom and grabbed the handle to my parents door, just across the hall, opening it quietly. I grabbed the knife my father kept under his bed. I stood over him, and stabbed him in his shoulder, laughing. I stabbed him so many times. It was SO great to take out all my anger. Blood poured everywhere, and both my parents were awake and screaming. I dragged out my fathers death, before quickly slitting my mothers throat while he writhed in pain. I chopped off his fingers, one by one, and sawed off His legs before whispering one thing in his ear.

"There's no running from this battle."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2014 ⏰

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