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Bakugo's POV

It's been almost a week since that stupid Deku has been to school, everyone else stopped caring that he hadn't turned up after a couple of days but for some irritating reason I can't get him out of my head, 'why the fuck do I keep thinking about him!?' I kept thinking to myself over and over.

I hate how weak and pathetic he is, how he dares look down on me and try and challenge me by getting into UA as well! But I couldn't shake this feeling of concern for him much to my annoyance.

That evening after school I went by his house to find out what the fuck had happened to him, then once I know I can get back normal. I knocked on the door of Deku's apartment door, a few seconds later the door opens. A small chubby later answered the door with the same green hair and colour as Deku.

"Bakugo is that you?"

"Hi auntie Inko it's been a while, is Deku in?"

I watched as she broke down in a fit of tears in front of me, "he's gone".

"What the fuck you mean he's gone? Gone where?!" I can hear the slight panic in my own voice.

"H-he disappeared 6 days nights ago and I haven't heard from him since, I've contacted the p-police and they've issued a search for him but no one has seen my poor little Izuku." Her voice was shaky and hoarse, you could tell she's been crying for days.

A huge wave of guilt washed over me, 'what if he ran away because of what I said to him? Or even worse what if he actually went and killed himself!?'

"I'm sorry auntie Inko, I need to go home." I turned and left as quick as I could and ran home. As soon I got there I burst the the doors.

"Where are you hag!?"

"Don't you call me hag you exploding brat!"

"Come to the kitchen I need to talk to you!"

I went to the kitchen and awaited for my mum to enter, when she did I just glared at her.

"Why didn't you tell me about Deku? I know auntie Inko would've told you so why didn't you tell me?" Irritation evident in my words.

She looked down and thought for a second before replying back to me "I didn't want you to worry, I know you two have drifted apart over the years but you've been friends since kindergarten."

"That's a bullshit excuse. Why would I even care about that Deku?" My words filled with venom.

My mother doesn't say anything at first she just walks across the kitchen and slaps my face before so speaking, "he is your friend and he is missing do not speak about Izuku like that, do you understand?" Her eyes glaring into mine.

I can only look down and nod slightly ashamed of my words, I had just insulted someone she cared for let her alone her best friends son and I know I didn't completely mean it.

In probably the softest voice I've heard myself use, it makes me feel weak but I can't help it. "I'm sorry, I just want to know why he's gone."


Third person POV

I had been 5 nights since Izuku had been Shigaraki's plaything and the cracks were more than evident in his mental state. Instead of wincing away from the blades, cuffs, ropes he just stopped knowing he couldn't escape, only into his mind was he safe, well safe-ish.

Izuku's POV

"Hey little Izuku" I heard a voice say but it wasn't Shigaraki or any of the others it felt like it was coming within my own mind.

"Who are you?"

"I'm you, the real you." It was almost child like sounding.

"That doesn't make any sense there is only one of me, why are you here!?"

The voice starts cackling at me. "Oh poor little Deku, I'm the parts of you have always repressed, pushed back to the back of your mind whiling trying to hid your true feelings. I'm everything you want to be, all you have to do is just except me."

"I don't have any repressed feelings, I know what I want. I want to get revenge on All Might and everyone else that's wronged me, I'm not gonna be Deku anymore!"

The fact that I was arguing with myself inside my own mind while Shigaraki was still torturing me and I was no longer winching or reacting to the pain he was inflicting onto me was a pretty strong indication that I was breaking both physically and mentally.

"And I can help you get that revenge, I can help release all of that anger, frustration and hatred onto the world that you've bottled up, we'll kill All Might, stupid Kacchan and anyone else that gets in our way. Let me show you what true freedom is."

"I only want to kill All Might."

"Don't be a naive fool little Izuku, you know that isn't going to work, I can hear in your voice you just want to let go. Free me. Free us."

The voice was becoming more and more convincing I just wanted to give into their words, let them take control and show me what this 'real freedom' was, make all this pain and suffering stop and bring my true desires to fruition.

"What's your name?" I ask myself.

"I am you so I am Izuku as well, but if you want differentiate our two states of mind you can call me Isshi."


Sorry for the very slow update, if you're still ready this that is!
I hope you like where I am trying to go with this and if you have read this far thank you so much!
Also 'Isshi' is a Japanese noun for death.

Thoughts and feedback welcome.

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