Chapter 3 1/2

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Robert Cain and Rosie Cain shooting...

Irvin: I got two ex-Umbrella Corps in sight.

Oscar: Robert Cain and Rosie Cain.

Irvin: Should I put them in a body bag?

Oscar: No, go after Susan and Otis.

A few minutes later...

Susan: It's great you are back.

Otis: I hope you are ready for this.

Irvin: I am, today Umbrella dies.

Otis and Susan get into position...

Irvin plants the bomb...

Otis, Susan and Irvin escapes...

Twelve minutes later...

Oscar knocks Irvin unconscious...

Narc: I'm surprised you trusted this clown.

Oscar: I was testing him.

Narc: He blew up an Umbrella Facility!

Oscar: Don't worry, we will recover what we have lost.

Narc: I hope you are right.

A few minutes later...

Armpit firing a Bazooka from his Forehead...

Irvin: That dude has a Bazooka on his Forehead.

Susan: This will hurt a lot.

Otis: We will stop this maniac.


Badger: There's a beast in the Kitchen that sneezes out pointy things like a Porcupine.

Eric: We can fight it together.

Badger: Where is Vince?

Eric: He isn't our problem right now.

Badger: I hope you are right.

Eric finds a light switch...

Eric: I found a light switch.

Badger: I hope nothing bad happens when you turn it on.

Eric turns the light switch on...

Eric: It's fine.

Badger: The Bombs should be here somewhere.

Eric: I'll help you find them.


Vince: I'm alone in a creepy lab with dogs barking in cages, I found some medicine in just in case we get sick.

Robert Cain: Who are you?

Vince: Umbrella?!

Robert Cain: Ex Umbrella, I now work for BSAA.

Vince: Are you alone?

Robert: Why does it matter?

Vince: We are here to stop Umbrella.

Robert: I am too, my father's research on the Q Virus.

Vince: You are the Q Virus?

Robert: Yes, my father injected my mother.

Vince: I'm after Mister Bower's Umbrella Corps.

Robert: How's that going?

Vince: We are destroying Mister Bowers.

Robert: Goodbye S.T.A.R.S. unit.

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