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*Set in Son of Neptune*

I looked up across the highway and towards my goal, the bunker like tunnel with two teenagers standing out the front in Roman armour with weapons, I immediately thought that this was sooooo not the right place to be, and this was not my territory

"You're right, of course" I thought one of the gorgons had crept up on me but it was some old lady sitting on the side of the road. 

"It isn't a maintenance tunnel, it's the tunnel to camp" she spoke up again

A jolt went up my spine, camp maybe this what it, the answer to my lost memory. The only thing I can remember is my name, Percy and someone called Annabeth but not really Annabeth, not a connection or anything but something or someone related to her.  I look back down at the old lady. She looked like she had lived there since the dark ages. She looks up and meets my gaze. 

"Take me to camp young halfblood" she says "take me and you shall be rewarded"

I had no idea what this lady could give me that a rat in a sewer couldn't. But I had on did those feelings. So I picked her up and chucked her over my shoulder and sprinted over the highway with cars stopping left right and centre trying not to hit me. The two kids in armour stare eyes wide mouths open before they snap to business 

"FRANK! Take this kid to camp!" The girls yells out

"What? Hazel I'm not leaving you!" The girls eyes darken


I keep sprinting down past the tunnel and into the area surrounding this magnificent city. Rome. I run straight up to this river before hesitating. On the other side is a army of kids hissing at each other in low tones. The woman who is light but is making my arms sore from caring her whispers something in my ear. I can't hear her but I step boldly (anyone get that?) into the river and keep going. I then hear scream so I look behind me and see the guy getting carried off so I dump down the lady and use this force I feel ping in my stomach and pull it though and suddenly water is going everywhere and the lady-bird-thing-monster goes flying. 


I walk back around the camp to try and make some friends, when this girl walks up to me, she's pretty with long brown hair pulled into a braid with sapphire eyes. 

"Are you Percy?" She ask rudely 

"Yeah" I reply eyeing her "what's that to you?"

"Oh you really did lose your memory?" She says kinda sadly

"Yeah, why did I know you?" I ask warily

"I guess you can say that" she looked sad "yeah bye seaweed brain" she called as she walked off

The name struck something in my brain "WAIT! What's your name?"

                        "You can call me Andrea"


Sorrrrrrry short as chapter but it's kinda a filler chapter with a cliffhanger, also sorry for not updating in like *1,2,3,4* yeah...... ages!

See ya later!

Word count: 473

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 28, 2019 ⏰

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