
17 2 0

Are you what I'm looking for,
Deep down I'll know it in my core,
I don't want it to be true,
Because you are an evil shrew,

You had me believing one thing,
But it was all a lie just like the ring,
I don't know who I even am,
But I will do my best to find out even if it takes a battering ram,

I might not know who I am,
But I am not you your a sham,
You treat me like I am dirt,
Washing me off like a shirt,

I'll get out on day,
Hopefully before next May,
I'm an not yours to control,
I have a better soul,

I'm going to say goodbye,
Never am I going to cry,
Once I'm gone I'm not coming back,
For once what was there is know a large crack,

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