Son of a bitch

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Reincarnation was a weird concept for her--or rather, him, since, apparently, being reborn makes you the opposite sex.

How did I know that I was reborn? Well, for starters, waking up while remembering the last moments of your life does make you think that you've been reborn. I mean, I don't remember the exact details, buuut, I'm pretty sure I died because of  drug overdose. My shitty ass got what it deserved after I fucking ruined the lives of pretty much everyone around me.

Doing drugs and joining gangs, becoming a convict and making an enemy of the state? Yeah, I'm absolutely sure I got karma-ed by the Father Almighty, together with those people I fucked up-- literally and figuratively.

Well, it's not liked I regretted it. I lived my life the way I wanted it. I don't give a flying fuck about those consequences they tell you whenever you do something stupid. To tell you the truth, I'm sure my sanity already left me behind. Understanding people? Nah. That's so boring. Just shoot 'em with the good old trusty handgun. Then BAM! Finally you can watch the back-to-back episode of friends without those annoying neighbors who keeps on making ugly-ass babies.

I'm just a simple creature. Have fun, kill people, get high, have sex And repeat. What? No sleeping? HAH! Sleep is for the weak. I fuctioned myself to stay awake for numerous hours. It's a very handy skill especially if your out there ruining lives of others.

But to my great disapointment, I fucking died in the bathtub while get high on cocaine. If that ain't speaking of karma I don't know what the fuck it's supposed to portray. Clearly, someone is having grudge on my sorry-ass.

Life as a newly reincarnated baby doesn't show much excitement. Considering the fact that I can't do no shit. Can't see, can't hear, can't walk or talk or some bullshit. Other than shitting myself, there's nothing I can do.

And apparently my birth mother got me early like, you can feel her heartbeat getting anxious. You have no idea how many time she almost dropped me. Clearly doesn't know how to take care of one. Useless bitch.

Waking up I knew something was wrong. The smell of teenage cologne was gone. There's also the fact that I've been carried by a stranger for a while now. The scent of sandalwood and tea quickly came through my senses. Fucking bitch I guess she finally got rid of me. Months after staying with her my hearing slowly improved. And god is she annoying! Keeps on complaing about me. All day and all night all she ever do is blame shit on me. Well fuck you too Beatrice just because you're fucking speaking german doesn't mean I can't understand you, fucker. Son of a bitch doesn't even take care of her own son, now she keeps complaining about me? Shit don't even know how to feed a goddamn baby.

I'm one bitter bitch okay? Despite my former life being a shit hole my parents never acted on being shitty at parenting, that and they where the one's to give me drugs... hmm now that I think of it, both of them are shitty. Ahh oh well I think that's an even game.

Right now, despite my poor eyesight I can make out a few things that is currently happening at this moment. Like I said earlier, I'm being carried by what I can recall, an old fart. Not that hard to notice since his hands are carrying me . I can feel his wrinkly hands thank you very much. From what I can get, I can hear him speak english. Huh. What do you know, the bitch gave me away to some foreigner. Pretty sure he gave her money. Jackass doesn't feel remorse selling her kid out--Literally!

After a while I can feel someone staring at me. Ignoring my mental state of mind, I looked around trying to find that annoying gaze. I raised my head and stared at my handler, he raised his eyebrow at me. Me, being the shit that I am also raised my (non-existent) eyebrows at him. Mimicking his expression.
'Shit my eyes are drying up,' and to my utter embarassment,

that fucking moment right there,

that absolute moment.....

my fucking body decided to barf at his face.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2019 ⏰

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