The Meeting

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Peter Pan was flying over the city of PooPoo. He had been fighting all day long and had done some gross things like fuck a console. (Check Xbox one x Peter Pan x PS4). He was getting sleepy. He had flown all across the ocean and Metropolis (Fought against Superman, read Superman vs Peter Pan) He had been flying for almost 18 hours non stop now, and he barely had energy left to land. He set his foot on the ground and sat as the night got to its darkest. Then, he heard strange sounds. A ship was on its way. "Why are they past their bedtime?" he whispered to himself. "He slowly walked towards them with the little energy he had left. He was hungry. "I wonder if they have food" he wondered. He started hearing people talk and shout. He approached them, barely being able to see. The voices stopped. A light was lit. "What u doin here maggot," a voice said. Peter, with the energy he had tried to respond with a sentence, but it just came out as "SKSKSKSKSKSK". They just looked at him. And started laughing. "Ey kiddo, could ya please fuck off?" Peter Pan didn't understand what was going on. He just stood there. He didn't have the energy to move. The men yelled: "If ya don't get yer ass out of here on your own, then we will help yee!"

"Leave the guy alone," a new voice said. "We'll take him now, so get your ugly asses out of here."

"Captain Sabertooth?  OH SHIT BOIS LET'S FUGIN RUN THIS NIBBA IS TOO STRONG" And they ran. Oh, they ran. Faster than a tree trying to run from a Leopard. Peter pan looked at the man that had saved him. One look at his face and Peter Pan suddenly got all his energy back. He was a new man. "Damn, you are handsome," he said to the Captain. "Come with me, green clothed man." Peter Pan followed him energetically. "I wonder what he is planning to do with me. I hope it's somethin sexy," Peter thought to himself.

"Here we are." They were on the captain's ship and were in his... bedroom.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

After a long night of f#king and having s#x, Peter was again exhausted. But as he looked at the captain again, he got his energy back. "Captain, you are the sexiest captain on the sea."

Captain Sabertooth then yelled. "I am the sexiest in the world! You underestimate me! I will destroy you now!"

Peter pan was scared. He had to fight this sexy person? How could he? How could he destroy something so beautiful that it refills your energy? 

"I am sorry Sabertooth, you are the prettiest being in the world," Peter Pan said nervously.

"It is not enough ya dingus"


And then they fought and had many babies while they fought pls don't imagine this ur gonna be disgusted af and why did you even read this also you should be thanking me for not including any disgusting things in this text.

Peter Pan x Captain SabertoothWhere stories live. Discover now