Colby Brock

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         Title:They always find there     way back to each other.

        Y/N POV

    Today's the day! I'm going to tell Colby I like him. I saw him earlier with R/F/N (Random Females Name). I looked around and I saw him and R/f/N. I ran over to them. 
"Hey Colby. Can I talk to you?"
"Sure what do you need"
"Well I can't say it in front of R/F/N"
"Just sat it already!"
"Fine, I like you!"
Colby looked at you in disbelief. Then he looked at R/F/N. And he sighed.
"I'm sorry Y/N. I don't like you like that."
My heart broke when he said those words. I should have suspected this. He likes R/F/N.
"Oh, O-okay..."
I feel tears poring down my face. He looks shocked to see them. I ran before I could have done a full on sob. I try and look for Sam, my brother.

   Colby just broke her poor heart.
"Colby! Why did you say it like that?!?"
"Because I don't like her like that. I like you!"
"Well I don't like you! Now if you don't mind. I'm going to find her."
I walk away and go to look for Y/N.
-5 minutes later-
I see her under the cherry tree.
"Hey.... you okay?
"Huh?..... Oh yeah I'm alright I guess. I texted Sam and he told me he would pick me up in a few minutes"
"Oh okay. Anyways what Colby did was wrong. He should of told you less rude"
"It's fine (R/F/N) at least I know he doesn't like he anymore. Funny how things work like that. Maybe it wasn't my time to love again"
"Oh Y/-"
"Y/N! Let's go!"
"Coming Sam! Hey I gotta go. How bout we talk later k?"
"Yeah sure"

Colby's POV
I saw Y/N get in the with Sam. I didn't know they knew each other. I see Sam kiss the top of her head. I don't know why but my heart just broke. It hurts.
It's weird. Maybe I'll ask my mom about it later.
*One and half weeks later*


Well it's been a while since the heart break. And I'm handling it pretty well. Me and Sam are bonding more then ever.
Colby still talks to him. But not a lot really. I always see him glaring at us. I guess he doesn't know we're related.
I'm really glad it's the weekend though. Maybe me and Sam can go out with his Girlfriend Kat (yes I know they didn't meet in high school. But still)
I went to go ask him.
And I see Colby with him and Kat.
We both hug each other.
"How are you. I haven't seen you in a long time!"
"I'm good Kat. How are you?""
"I'm good as well"
"Well I was just thinking we could go to the mall and hangout for a while?"
"I'm fine with that! How bout you Sam?"
"Yeah sure I cool with that. Colby"
"Yeah sure"
"Awesome! I'll drive!"
"I call shotgun"
"Looks like the boys are in the back!"

Colby's POV

I was talking to Sam about how I felt about her. Then this girl Kat came in and kisses him on the cheek.
"Wait dude. Aren't you dating Y/N?!?!"
"What no. Of course not"
"Then why do you take her home everyday and kiss she forehead??"
"Dude she's my little sister. I thought you at least knew that."
"I didn't know that...."
That's when she can in.
She saw Kat and they started talking. Then she asked is everyone wanted to go to the mall.
But I couldn't stop starting at her. I found out that I did like her. They were just hidden and soon revealed when I saw her and Sam.

*Time skip to the mall*


We made it to the mall.
"Okay before we do anything. We need StarBucks!"
"Okay Kat. Let's get StarBucks"
*after they StarBucks*
"Hey Y/N? Can we talk?"
"Sure give me one second"
*they go some where away for the other two*
"What you need?"

Colby's POV

"What you need?"
I couldn't stop staring at her.
"Y/N..... it took me awhile to figure this out. And I have. It took me when you and Sam started to get closer. What I'm saying is that I got jealous. Jealous of how close he was to you. That he got to kiss your head. Take you home. Just being with you. I didn't find out until today that you two are siblings. And if I have known that sooner. Then I would have told you sooner,
Y/N I love you...... I'm in love with you. And I can't stop these feelings once their there. And know matter how many times I tried to stop them. They can back. I want to be apart of your life. I want to hear your voice, to see your smile, to have those cringey texted messages with you. To say I love you to each other everyday. And I hope you still the same way about me. Cause I don't think I can handle a rejection from you. Without breaking down and crying. And thinking I want to die. So please accept my feelings and be my girlfriend"
I look at her. My eyes widened to see her smiling and crying.
"Yes I still love you Colby Brock. Like you said. I can't stop these feelings once their there"
I lean into kiss her. And once I reach her lips she kisses back almost instantly. I pull her closer to me. She slowly puts her arms around my neck. We kiss what seems like forever. We both pull away. I put my forehead on hers.
"Y/N. I love you soo much"
"I love you to Colby"
The End!

I'm am soo freakin sorry. That I haven't posted in a few months. I have been busy with school and test. But now I only have a week of school left. And I'll be posting a lot more!
Princess Out✌️

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2019 ⏰

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