Imagine your OTP

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A, B and C is going to a party and C have to look after A and B. After a while C lost track of A and B just to find them in the closet, making out.


Hana: Yay! We're here!

Poppy: ouh mkay.

Sonic: ah.. i should just stay home and play games..

Poppy: Cheer up! X3

Sonic: fine..

Hana: sonic look there's corndogs there!!!

Sonic: w h e r e ? ! *Dashes to the stall*

*A few minutes later*

Sonic: those corndogs are bomb. Wait where are Hana and Poppy?

*Walk through the party*
*Stops at a closet*

Closet: *soundssssssss*

Sonic: is there really someone making out in this closet ew. *Open closet*

Hana: Oh shet.

Poppy: oops.

Sonic: what the.... I'm... Just gonna.... *Close closet and bleached eyes*

Poor Sonic..

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