The Rain Falls

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The sound of a single drop of rain resonated throughout the guild.

Juvia Lockster froze.


She whipped around in her seat to look outside the guild door. She held her breath.

Drip drop.

A few drops of rain splattered outside the doorway of the guild. A look of worry flashed across the water mage's face, but it disappeared as quickly as it came. She released her breath with a shaky sigh.

Drip drop, drip drop.

She looked around to see if anyone had noticed her reaction. Thinking no one saw her, she turned back to the bar and continued to consume whatever she was drinking. But Gray noticed. He stared at her.

Drip drop, drip drop, pitter patter pitter patter.

The rain started pouring from the heavens, battering on the roof if the guild.

"Ah geez, it's starting to rain. How annoying." Natsu whined.

"Aye!" Happy agreed.

The sound of water battering against the roof built up until it was almost deafening. You couldn't see outside, that's how thick the rain was falling. It was almost like the guild had been sucked into a hurricane.

Gray was still watching Juvia, wondering what was with her reaction to the rain. He finally sighed and tore his gaze from the water mage. It was going to be a pain getting home in this weather. His clothes would get absolutely drenched... No wait. Where the hell did his clothes go? Gray Fullbuster was in his boxers, once again. He groaned, got off the chair he was sitting on and went to find Mira. She had probably picked his clothes up off the floor. The ice mage headed to the bar, where Fairy Tail's white haired bartender was currently drying dishes.

"Hey, Mira."

"Hi Gray! Let me guess... Clothes?"

"Yep." Gray sighed. "I wouldn't suppose you picked them off the ground?"

Mira giggled and fished beneath the counter. She straightened up and handed Gray his neatly folded items of clothing. "Here you go!"

"Thanks Mira."

"No problem! ...Say, isn't this rain weird?"

"Whadda you mean?"

"Well, It's been completely clear skies today until about a minute ago. And there has been no rain forecasted for the entire week, after all, it's summer. And the thing is, the weather reports are never wrong. Lacrimas are very reliable."

"Mm, I guess." Gray drawled not really interested.

"HEY YOU BRATS LISTEN UP!" Makarov suddenly bellowed from the guild's stage, startling Gray slightly.

The guild instantly quietened, and all attention was focused on the short old mad.

The Master cleared his throat. "I've just received a report that a curfew has been issued because of this rain. It's going to get really dangerous outside. Apparently, the rain has been caused by magic and could be dangerous. Anyway, it turns out that all you brats are going to have to stay the night at the guild..." He trailed off.

Natsu jumped up on top of a table with his signature grin on his face. He pumped his fist into the air. "ENTIRE GUILD SLEEPOVER!" He yelled excitedly.

"HELL YEAH!" Everyone screamed. Mira walked out of the bar, bringing out the booze and a crap ton of food. The mages of Fairy Tail went wild. An entire-guild-each-man-for-himself food fight broke out when Natsu threw a pie at Gray's face. The master just stood there in defeat, watching his brats trash the guild hall. Again.

The Rain Falls ♚ Gruvia OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now