Chapter 10 - Father

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Walking around with bags upon bags of baby cloths. 

"I need to sit down" Ry said, she sounded out of breath so we all found the nearest cafe and sat and had a cup of tea. 

"Your getting fat Tay" Mia said to me, i looked at her shocked, had she really just called me fat.

"Well thanks M, I've been dieting but it doesn't seem to be moving" i said sighing into my tea. 

"Tay can i talk to you for a minute?" i looked up to see who asked, it was Ry, i nodded and followed her to the toilet. 

"What is it?" i asked. 

"We all have noticed how you have put on weight round the middle" she said signaling towards her stomach. 

"Yeah so?" i looked so confused.

"Take this" she said before rummaging through her bag, she pulled out a small box that said "pregnancy test" on the front.

"You don't think am...... am not..... i " i stuttered. 

"Just take it the now and see what it says" she said, i nodded and headed into the toilet were i peed on a stick and then handed it to Ry. 



"It Positive!" she exclaimed looking at the little pink stick, i couldn't even get words out.

"Your going to have a pup" she said excitedly, i started breathing heavily as i stared at the little stick that tells me I've ruined my future. 

"Sit down" i heard Ry say before she made me sit on the ground. 

"Why me?" i said before bursting into tears, i cant believe i was so stupid at getting pregnant when i haven't even gotten to my 20s. 

"Its alright, James will be pleased" she kept saying, once i calmed down we headed back out to worried looking Mia and Joe. 

"I wanna go home" i said. Everyone nodded and we picked up all the bags and got to the parking lot but stopped in fear of what we saw. 

"Hello daughter" that evil voice i remember so well, and that face......

"Father?", he gave me an evil smirk and looked to my friends. 

"Get out of my way, i came to take my daughter home" he said, fear rushed through me as i saw the look in his eyes, the look that i had seen so often, the look of 'i don't care who i kill'. 

 I looked around to see who my father had brought, Tank, Chloe and Blue. Blue had always been a nice boy so i pleaded him with my eyes hopping he would help me but he never did, his eyes were dark and cold looking now. 

"Come on Taylor we are going home" he said before turning to walk away thinking i would follow. 

"I'm not going anywhere with you" i said, my hand shot to my mouth as shock came over me, i had just talked back to the man that had beat me for all these years. 

"Yes you are and i will make you if i have to" 

"She's not going anywhere" Joe growled, my father stopped and turned on his heel and stalked right over to her I felt my heart drop to my stomach when he grabbed Joe by the neck and pulled her off the ground and throw her across the parking lot.

"Please stop, I'll come with you" I said on the brink of tears as I watched as Joe shakily sat up and blood was pouring out of her head.

"No" Ry protested, I shock my head and walked off behind my father and the other wolf's followed behind.

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