Chapter 2 -What the hell is going on?-

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I stay stunned. Breathing heavy on my bed. That girl is amazing. When I say amazing I mean amazing.

I like the way her hair messes up when she laughing to hard, or when she smiles so big that it looks ridiculous to the point where it's adorable. I immediately call up Luke.

"Morgan?" I hear Luke's voice through the phone.

"No man, just listen. It's going to be a long and hard to comprehend."

"That's what she said." Luke says.

"Not to you though." I smile and wink even though I know he can't see me.

I hear Luke crack up through the phone, "That's a good one bro. I'm using it."

"Okay well listen." I say slowly.

"Mhm.." I hear Luke's muffled voice.

"There's this girl that I met today-" I hear an obnoxiously loud smack through the phone.

I start to get panicked but then the idiot says, "Did you get laid? Is she great? Can I try her?"

"No, i I didn't, no you can't try her, and stop objecting her like that. She's an amazing girl and I think I got my spot on the floor."

Luke stays silent and for a second I thought he was a deadman.

Then I hear him again, "What's her name? I want to stalk her on social media."

"No bro. That's creepy, maybe someday you'll meet her."

I hung up, irritated. Sometimes I wish Luke would be more serious about things.

I walk into my bathroom and smile at my reflection. I'm smiling like a fucking idiot but I can't get worked up over one girl. I smack myself on the head and walk to my room.

I tune up "Apparently" by J. Cole.

I like this song but I hate it. It reminds me of what happened with my mom, on how I wasn't there for her- on how I was with my dad the whole damn time.


I groan, I never asked Luke to come over. I open the door and my dad stumbles in. He's not drunk but the side if his head is red. It will probably later turn into a bruise, a huge one.

"Call Marzia." Are the only words the slip through his mouth then he falls down to the ground.

I dial up my godmother, Marzia's phone number and let the rings overwhelm me. What the hell is going on?

"Hello? Ashton sweetie." I can hear her humming to a song.

"It's dad." I say.

Marzia didn't need any other explanation, she just hung up.

I manage to pull my dad onto a pull out couch and put a bag of frozen peas over the side of his face. Marzia arrived 20 minutes later with only her bath robe. I quickly go outside waiting for Marzia to make my dad spill.

I just lay down on my driveway not minding the ant on my arm,

Today was a day full of exciting events.

I think.


Thanks to @lauren_is_a_pxnguin.

I kind of forgot about this story, but this girl seamed like her fangirl life was falling apart so I decided to be nice and add another chapter. So yeah shout outs to @lauren_is_a_pxnguin.

I'm not THAT much of an asshole 💅✋

-moonflowerlights 👑💭👄

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 02, 2015 ⏰

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