Always and Forever

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(Sasuke POV)

To me today was a day just like any other day.

A day where I would normally get up, go to school, come home, do some homework, watch a little T.V., and then go to sleep. . .

To the rest of the general population however, today was a day for chocolate, flowers, pink decorations, frilly cards and declarations of love.

A day also known as Valentines Day.

Not one of my favorite holidays to say the least.

Not that I particularly care for any holidays mind you, its just that today is one of the worst.

And being one of the most popular boys in school doesn't help the situation either.

It never fails. Each year I am showered with various forms of chocolates and cards, none of which do I particularly care to receive.

And each and every year I am surrounded by numerous females, each declaring their undying love for me.

Not that I'm not partially flattered by their attention. . . It's just my interests (unbeknownst to

them) lie elsewhere. . .

So as a result, each and every year I tell them thanks but no thanks, and watch as they disappointedly retreat, once again rejected by the one whom they claim to love most.

But it makes me wonder. . .

If I were to come to school the next day with my face all scarred up and missing a couple limbs, would they still like me?

Probably not.

Most if not all of them are attracted to nothing more than my looks, a trait that shows just how petty most women are.

There are a few that aren't like that though, Haruno Sakura for one.

In fact she is the only one who knows my secret, one which had to be told in order for me to truthfully answer her question.

A question that she literally made impossible for me to lie to. . .

Begin Flash Back

We had just gotten back from going to the movies with a few of our friends and I was walking her home. She lived all the way on the other side of town and she had to walk through a bad neighborhood to get there. It was too late in the night for the bus to pick her up, and I wasn't about to let her walk by herself. . .

Despite popular belief, I am not completely heartless.

We were about a quarter of the way to her house, just out of the bad neighborhood, when she suddenly stopped walking. She had been acting a little bid weird all day, overly spacey like something big was occupying her thoughts. It would have been completely out of my character for me to ask her what was bothering her, so I just pretended not to notice.

I stopped walking as well, patiently waiting for her to give an explanation.

"Sasuke..." She started, pausing for a moment making sure she had my full attention.

"Something has been bothering me for a while now, and I want you to answer me truthfully."

I nodded, staring into her overly serious aqua eyes.

"Why don't you have a girlfriend?"

"Huh?" I asked, slightly taken back by the question.

"You are one of the most popular guys in our school. You could have any girl you wanted and yet I have never seen you with one girlfriend! Not one!"

Always and Forever (SasuNaru)Where stories live. Discover now