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( And she turned up the music, to drown out her life ~ unknown)

Blast the music until
you only feel the song playing in you heart
The natural high it brings
And the song echoing in the canons of your mind
It courses through her seeping out from her heart and soul
It's what helps her survive and thrive
Music is the light to her darkness
The emotion in her soul and the mood in her heart and mind
It's calmness settles over her
living inside her, fueling her soul
One word, one beat can bring a memory to life
And the emotion that music awakens is something magical
Something that can only be awaken by music itself
It can dig up the deepest emotion inside someone
Or set the darkest secret free
It has an undeniable force over her
With each beat edging her closer to the answers of herself
Music holds the answers when she doesn't
It unlocks a little bit about her everyday
It courses through her seeping out from her heart and soul
It's what helps her survive and thrive
Music is the light to her darkness
The emotion in her soul and the mood in her heart and mind
Each beat of a song becoming in sync with each beat of her heart

lose yourself in the music

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