B̷U̷R̸N̶ 2

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If lovers ever run before the clock then this romance hadn't run fast enough.

You had indeed become the hero you said you would become, converting your heartbreak into drive. No one knew what had really happened, your relationship with Dabi kept a complete secret, but the change was noticeable. Seemingly in an instant, you went from the sunniest person anyone could meet to a serious hero, the sparkle in your eye turning to steel. Never taking a moment to rest, you became the bane of every villain in the city.

News of you, the hero that was cracking down on the city, spread quickly through the League of Villains, soon reaching your former lover. To say he was shocked was an understatement. Dabi knew what he'd done to you was unforgivable and that you would of course react like the hero you were, but he never would have guessed this would happen.

As he sat in the underground headquarters of the League, immersed in his thoughts of you, he found it hard to believe. Was it possible for you to change so quickly? Where had the warm, merciful girl he'd fallen in love with gone? He was probably wrong, but as news of your growing reputation spread, he couldn't help but wonder...

Were you hunting him...?

Why had he been so cowardly as to only give you a letter explaining his actions? He wanted to see you more than anything, but he didn't know how to face you after what he'd done. Dabi couldn't blame you for probably hating him right now, but he new he had to face you, if only to tell you he still loved you, that he always would. Even if he didn't want to be, he knew he would always be yours and yours alone. You'd captured him heart and soul. Now, all he wanted was to wake up from this nightmare and go back to those beautiful, happy days where you could still smile at him.

But the world doesn't work like that, does it? As much as he wanted it to...

Burying his face in his hands, he felt his heart squeeze painfully in his chest.

'What have I done?'

At the same time, another villain was captured without compassion across the city. The poor guy didn't even have time to process before you were on him, driving him into the ground from above. You didn't even blink as your prey struggled beneath you, your grip unyielding as you knocked him out.

It wasn't long before the police arrived on the scene, giving you uneasy looks as your quota jumped to five. At this rate you were going to put all the other heroes out of work.

Stretching your arms above your head, you felt your back pop with a satisfying crack. The moon was high in the sky at this point, most of the world asleep, but you didn't feel any exhaustion at all. You'd sleep when you became the hero you wanted to be, the hero who didn't fall for a villain.

Your fists clenched at the thought and you ghosted up the side of a building, returning to your vigilant watch among the rooftops. Never again...

Never again would you allow your heart to be broken so foolishly, your world to be burned down so ruthlessly.

You knew you'd have to face Dabi some day, but when that day came you were going to be prepared, you weren't going to cry and scream and fall into his arms like some cliche drama. No, you'd built a wall around your heart and you knew what you were going to do when you saw Dabi again.

You were going to treat him like all the other villains you'd come across- pummel him into the ground and have the police put him where you'd never have to see him again. What point was there in asking him why he'd cheated on you? His letter had explained everything. You meant so little to him that he would readily throw you away to save himself. Why shouldn't you give him the same treatment?

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