2 (please forgive me oml why am i still doing this)

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Morg opened the squeaky door to his work. They really needed to invest in some WD40.

"Hey Morg, I didn't know you were working tonight" his co-worker said

"I'm not, just grabbing my pay" he replied

"did you want something to S N A C C on?" His co-worker laughed.

Morg nodded "sure, the usual pleeease. Don't forget to double the meat" he smiled. He likes them t h i c c.

He headed towards the back and grabbed his pay from his boss. They waved a quick goodbye and he headed to his coworker to grab his food. They exchanged goodbyes and Morg headed out to his car.

Morg sat down in his car with a sigh. He placed his food on the passenger side. Today had been tiring, his sleep was a little off at the moment so that didn't help either. He couldn't wait to get home and see Jacob. That would relax him. His phone pinged

"Speak of the devil" he thought to himself, and picked up his phone.

It wasn't Jacob however, but a text from Aaron.

"Yo, Minecraft tonight?"

"Are you sure you really want to do that" Morg replied, laughing at the thought of their last minecraft sesh.

"Hmpf" was all Aaron replied.

Morg placed his phone down and started the car. He put in a CD and headed home. The CD was Xanders Mixtape, he said it was fire.

BRIGHTTTTT EYEEEEEES" he practically screamed out along to the song. Paying minimal attention to the fact his window was down. Weirding our fellow drivers. It was his favourite song, so he hardly cared.

The drive was long and slightly annoying, but that is how the Perth drivers do. He saw some doggo's with their heads out the windows of others cars. Each time he saw one he would internally shout "DOGGO". Because that is how the Morg do.

Eventually he made it home, placed his car in park and headed inside. He sat down and ate his food. It was a Whooper with double the meat, just how he likes it. Hungry; he basically inhaled the burger and went to go find Jacob.

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