Meeting New People

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Chapter 1

Not to long ago there was a student name Sunggyu who goes to a school called Beverly High. A high school that everyone called "Dream Chaser".....

Sunggyu dont know the history behind this school and why some people called it "Dream Chaser"......

So during lunch he went to the garden and sat down while eating there was a student name..........


Myung Soo who all so goes by the name L. Came to the garden to eat because that where he usally eat during luch. So he saw Sunggyu "Hi" said L. "Oh Hi" said Sunggyu "Nice to meet you i am Kim Myun Soo but i go by the name of L that what everyone called me you can call me L to and you what your name" said L "nice to meet you to i am Sunggyu" said Sunggyu...... after they finish eating the bell ring KKKKKKKKKKKKRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGG

So they both walk to class together since they have the same class. While sitting in class the teacher said "class we have a new student..... come on in Howon"

Hoya POV:

"Hi everyone my name is Howon i go by the name Hoya nice to meet you all...." as he walk to a seat he said "Does anyone sit here" L reply back "No no one sit there" than as Hoya sit down L said " Nice to meet you i am Myung Soo but i go by the name L and the one sitting next to me is Sunggyu" than Hoya rely back "Oh nice to meet you to i am Howon but i go by the name Hoya"......

Ms. Yang POV:

Okay okay student listen up i want you all to turn to page 59 and start working on it after you all are finish you may take out a book and read it or you may talk quietly "Okay" the students said......

After 40 minute in class the bell ring school was over and it was time to go home so Hoya, L, and Sunggyu decided to go home together as they were reaching Hoya home, Hoya invite them inside so the decide to go inside the house. L ask where are your parent and siblings Hoya..... Hoya said they move to USA but i didnt want to so they decide to let me stay here...... Oh okay said L.... is it lonely to live in such a big house alone with no one here with you say Sunggyu.... Yes Yes it is but since i met you and L I might not to lonely any more...... L and Sunggyu said Hoya.... Yea they both said..... Do you guy want anything to drink or eat.... No it okay..... but yet Hoya still give them something to drink and he brought out some snacks for them.... Yet again L ask how many room do you have in this house..... not much just about like 8 rooms.... L and Sunggyu both said simuliaty Really!!! with a shock face..... As they talk about them slef to each other so they can get to know each other more they talk and talk and talk than when Hoya ask what do you want to be.... Sunggyu relpy i want to become an Idol.... L and Hoya said simuliaty Really i do to..... than as they think Hoya say are you thinking about what im thinking they both said yes we are.....

>>>>> Next Day <<<<<

The teacher came in and say student Listen up we have 4 more new student.... Please come on in and introduce yourself said the Teacher..... As all of them 4 walk in all the class mate said Whaaa Pretty boys now we have 7 Pretty boys altogether but L, Hoya, and Sunggyu didnt say anything at all they just kept quiet and cool..... The 4 was pretty Shy since the class say that.... an they introduce themself but the first to introduce themself was Woohyun than Sungyeol than Doongwoo than Sungjong as the walk toward the other 3 pretty boy, they ask them anyone sit in these 4 spot than L reply no no one sit there so all of them took the seat and sat down than Sunggyu said Hi nice too meet you, i am Sunggyul, and these two beside me are Howon who goes by the name Hoya, and the other next to me is Myung Soo who goes by the name L... oh I am Doongwoo... I am Woohyun... I am Sungyeol... and I am Sungjong we are pleasure to meet you all.... than Woohyun ask are you three the pretty boy that everyone talk about.... They reply well only if you put in that way than yea we are, and im glad to know that you all are too....

If you dont mind lets meet up my house today afterschool say Hoya they all reply yea sure... Than the bell ring for lunch


As soon as they got out of the class they we surround by a whole bunch of student Girls and Boys student ready chase them down because the student love the 7 boys so much because of there pretty face perfect body and perfect hair..... as Sunggyu say let loose them and go meet up at the garden house where we usally eat... On 3 ready 1.......2......3...... Go they all run and run and run away sepreatly loosing all those Crazy weird cute fans and meeting up at the Garden leaving them Breathless during luch while hiding in the garden breathless they started giggleing a bit because it was what they all want to become..... is Famous......


Hoya ask what do you all want to become and Woohyun say an Idol than they all say at the same time it good because that what i want to become so they decide to become friend good friends......

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2014 ⏰

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