Chapter 6: Zayn's home

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A.N.: This is gonna be a loooong chapter! hope you enjoy reading beautifuls! love you xx

Milly’s POV:

We went downstairs to get in the limousines. There was one limousine with 8 seats and one with 6. Diana, Rachel and Sina went with the one direction boys in the limousine with 8 seats. I saw how Sina, Rachel, Diana sitting on one long side of the limousine and Harry being flirty as he is, sitting down next to Diana, grinning at her. Louis, Liam, Zayn and Niall sat down on the other side. Then I looked in our limousine. It had 6 seats, and we were 7 people. It looked like the 8-seats-limousine, just that there were 3 seats on the one side and 3 on the other, not 4. Luke, Ashton and Michael sat down next to each other in the limousine. Then Nicki said: “Milly you’re skinny, you can sit on one of the boys’ lap. Nicki and Stella got in as well, and Calum smiled, and said to me: “You can sit on mine if you want to.” “Okay I will, thanks” I answered and got in the limousine. I sat on Calum’s lap and saw all the others grinning. The ride was about 20 minutes, but it felt like 5 minutes, since the boys were so nice and funny and I would have liked to stay on Calum’s lap a little bit longer. We all got out of the limousine and went inside. Zayn said: “I guess you can all do what you want with whom you want.” Liam said: “I left Toy Story 3 here last week, can I watch it?”

Zayn: “Of course it’s in the living room next to the TV.”

Louis: “I’m gonna stay with the Payno”

Nicki: “I want to watch Toy Story too!”

Ashton: “Then I’m watching it too.”

Michael: “Hey, Zayn, can we use the icerink?”

Zayn: “Of course, there are shoes and stuff next to the rink.”

Michael: “Stella, do you wanna go ice skating with me?”

Stella: “Yeah, but I’m not good at it at all…”

They all left and Harry asked: “Zayn, didn’t you say last time, you had swimming stuff from your sisters in the guest room?”

Zayn: “Yeah I do, Shall I go and get it?”

Harry: “If the lovely Diana, wants to join me, yes!”

Niall: “Sina, do you want to go swimming with me aswell?”

Sina: “Of course, I’d love to.”

Luke: “If Zayn can borrow me some swimming trunks, I’d like to go swimming as well.”

Zayn: “Okay wait here, I’ll go and get it. I left Harry’s and Niall’s swimming trunks at the pool.”

While Zayn was away, Calum said to me: “There is a pavilion outside, do you wanna come with me to the garden?”

Me: “Okay, let’s go!”

We headed to the garden.

Zayn’s POV:

I went upstairs to get the bikinis from my sisters. I also got my swimming trunk for Luke. I was thinking about how I could impress Rachel. Shame on my shyness. Sometimes I wish I could just flirt with the girl I like just like Harry. Then I had an idea.

When I was outside I handed Diana and Sina the Bikinis and Luke my swimming trunk. I handed Dina the bigger one, from my older sister Doniya, since she was taller than Sina. It was dark blue. Then I handed Luke my swimming trunk and Sina the bikini from my younger sister Waliyha. It was black with pink polka dots. “Thank you Zayn, it’s so pretty” Sina told me. “No problem” I answered.  The 5 of them were leaving and it was just me and Rachel. I smiled at her and asked her “I have some graffiti stuff upstairs, do you wanna come with me?” “I’d love to” she smiled. Her smile is beautiful.

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