1. Goodbye / Hello New World

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You were sleepy... you felt nothing, your breathing was becoming heavier and heavier....

You looked around not know if anything was real or a dream, you looked at your daughters, sons, and grandchildren. You saw the ghost of your wife, she was waiting for you to be with her...

You heard your children crying and comforting each other, your grandchildren crying more louder though.

You slowly closed your eyes, smiling.

"I love all of you..." You said and died...

Everyone went to you, hugging you, wanting you to stay instead of gone forever... Wishing that you still had time life to be with them, but they know they can't so they slowly let go and had to leave and prepare for the funeral...

Somewhere else in Japan a business man is talking to his coworkers and they asked if he wanted to go drinking, but he declined saying he was busy and leaves work after he was done and starts daydreaming and walks across a red light and gets ran over and dies at the same time as you died

In the new world
Your parents died, their body was next to their carriage

A old man goes to check out what happened and hears your brother crying making you cry a little bit too

Both of you were wounded and the old man heals you both and your brother stops crying and sleeps peacefully, and since your brother stopped crying. You relaxed and went back to sleep too

He picks both of you up and looked up into the sky as the rain stopped and light started to shine through. He decided to adopt the both of you himself

And now you live your life with your Grandpa, he loves you both so much and when you both get older he will teach you both magic

8 years later

A purple hair boy looks over a bush with a (H/C) hair boy looking down at a tree and queues to shoot magic at the chickens with a snap

The purple hair boy shoots air magic and kills the chickens and they both cheer and they put the chickens in a magic circle which is a magic inventory

"My name is (Y/N) Wolford and the person next to me is my brother Shin Wolford. We live in this forest together with our Grandpa."

We both grin and start running towards back home, Shin uses his magical gear, while you ran at the same speed with your magic gear which was a wing tip ear piece

"We have memories of our past lives, I had a peaceful and happy life in a planet called Earth and in a county named Japan. I don't remember how I died, all I remembered was the face of my family before everything turned black"

There was also a boar which the You were proud of killing by himself, Shin also wanted to kill a boar and so you both went to find another one and did the same strategy as you did for the chickens and went straight home to show your Grandpa their successful huntings

"We're home!" You and Shin Both say

The door opens and Grandpa comes out

"Welcome home, how did both of you fare on today's hunt?" He asked

"This old man is Merlin Wolford, when we were the only survivors of a carriage that was attacked by a demon, he took us in as a baby and raised us. We own him our lives."

You both grinned, Shin and You dropped your haul of food

"Ho-ho three chickens and 2 boars?" He examined

Kenja no Mago x Male Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now