3. An Emergency Arises!

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{So there's blood in this one... and I'm making a warning, if you don't like blood and other stuff}

You woke up and stretched, you sighed contently and stared out the window. "Well time to get ready for school..."

You got out of bed and ready and went downstairs and ate breakfast. Grandpa and Grandma came down after and ate breakfast as well, you had a enjoyable conversation with them and when Shin finally came down and eat, you finished and waited for him outside when Sizilien and Maria came and greeted you

"Hello (Y/N)." "Good morning (Y/N)" They both said

"Good morning" and Shin came outside with both Grandpa and Grandma "Okay then, off we go." Shin said

"Right. Good luck." Grandpa says

"Remember, whatever you two do, be prudent." Grandma warns

"Yeah, we know, Grandma - Granny." You and Shin say

You waved goodbye and you guys walked off to school and during the walk Shin decided to use [Search] Magic around the area, which I sort of think he was being over protective, but who knows... Sizilien runs up to Shin and talks to him while you just look at all the stores around the area "Maybe I could go to the new restaurant that opened recently, it's popularity was growing, maybe I could give it a try." You grinned

We went in the classroom and You went to your seat and laid your head on the desk

"Good morning, (Y/N), Shin. Leave it to you two to come to school with girls in tow so soon after enrolling." August jokes

"Put a sock in it, Aug. You know why I'm doing this." Shin says

"Yeah, I know, but I couldn't help myself from teasing you Shin." August says

"At least, I not being targeted for that..." You thankfully sighed (but he bothers you by petting your head like you're a little kid... Which can't be helped because you basically are one because of Hitori...)
"Hey it's not my fault, they made me to be this type of goddess" She pouts

"Good morning, Shin, (Y/N)." "Good morning to you two as well." Thor & Julius greets

You waved "Morning" You moved your head back and smiled, right after you said that a blond haired girl (Alice Corner) sled on the table "Dah! Made it! I did make it in time, right? I'm okay, right?" She asks

You lightly laughed "Yeah, you made it on time"

"You made it, but what gives with you arriving at school in the nick of time on the first day?" Maria asks her

"Oh, I was so looking forward to today's class that I couldn't get to sleep. Then I slept in." Alice explains

"What are you, a child?!" Maria yells out "No offense (Y/N)..." She quickly said after that, You just waved it off

Shin tilted his head, thinking about being a adult at the age of 15...

The door opens and closes and the Teacher goes to his desk "You're all here, right?" He asks

"Good Morning!" Alice waves

"Yeah, good morning. Everyone take your seats. We're starting homeroom. Once that's done, I'll show you around the school."

You all took your seats, "I guess this is like round up on your first day of school..." You looked out the window

After the tour some of the school campus

"That's the quick tour. The school is broadly divided into two buildings-- one of them being the classroom building, where your classes are, and the other one has the faculty offices, the student council room, as well as the rooms used for laboratories and study groups."

Kenja no Mago x Male Child ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now