There is just one problem...

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Hi. My name is Jackson Derrane, I am a junior in high school. I live with my mom and older brother. Our dad left when I was three. No one knows what happened to him, he just vanished. My older brother is named James. He thinks because of his 'posh' name, he is legally required to talk in a posh accent. Supposedly it makes him cool in reality he is just an asshole. I think I am in love with this girl named Katherine, she has long, beach waved red hair and wide brown eyes. Even Katherines's eyelashes are red, but are long. They look like they are always stretching for something. Her face is round and she has light freckles sprinkled around her eyes. She is tall, almost as tall as me. I guess you could say she was more on the larger side of girls. I dont want to say fat because I know that hurts people's feelings sometimes. I don't see what the big deal is, fat is the same as skinny they are just overrated adjectives. I am on edge, I plan to ask Katherine to the prom this year, there is just one problem,

                         I am dying

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2019 ⏰

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