Blood & Kisses

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Was it wrong to steal to save a life? Sam wasn't sure. But it didn't matter if it was wrong, because his beloved brother Dean would die if he didn't get medicine. Dean was all Sam had. So Sam was desperate enough to break into Lucifer the vampire's house to steal medicine that Sam was too poor to buy.

Lucifer hated humans, but as long as Sam wasn't caught he'd be fine. It was going well, but Sam was still looking for the right medicine when-

A hand clenched around Sam's throat. His back smashed into a wall. He was kneed in the gut. He couldn't breathe.

He was paralysed by an icy, inhuman pair of glowing blue eyes. Lucifer.

The vampire just stared into Sam's eyes for an awkwardly long time. Sam's head spun from lack of oxygen; Lucifer was choking him. Sam was afraid he'd faint from lack of air.

"What are you doing here?" Lucifer finally demanded in a deep, rough voice.

Sam opened and closed his mouth weakly, trying to breathe. He clutched at Lucifer's hand and tried to tug it away from his windpipe, but he was human and he had nothing on Lucifer's strength.

Lucifer's hand loosened, but stayed on Sam's neck.

Sam gasped in air and just breathed for a minute.

"Answer me," Lucifer snapped, tightening his grip for just a moment to scare Sam into answering.

"I- I was just-" Sam stammered, not having a good answer.

Lucifer's eyes flashed red.

"I was just trying to save my brother!" Sam said hurriedly, "He- he's sick, and I can't afford to buy medicine, and I was just gonna take a little bit to try to help him get better!"

Lucifer's cold blue eyes hardened.

Sam swallowed weakly.

"So," Lucifer hissed, "You were going to break into my house and rob me, human." He picked Sam up by his throat and threw him to the floor away from the wall.

"You say human like it's an insult," Sam complained, trying to focus on something besides the total accuracy of Lucifer's argument.

"It is an insult," Lucifer snapped, moving with inhuman speed to straddle Sam's waist and pin him to the ground.

Sam struggled. He tried every trick he knew to throw Lucifer off, but he just couldn't win. Finally he gave up with an angry growl.

"Humans are the worst," Lucifer continued, hair glinting gold in the lamplight, "You arrogant, thieving, cheating, lying, beautiful ants!"

Sam raised an eyebrow cockily. "You think I'm beautiful?"

"Damn you humans," Lucifer spat, "I should drink you dry."

"My blood won't taste good," Sam lied hurriedly. He had no idea what his blood would taste like.

"Lying," Lucifer snapped angrily.

"I'm not," Sam snapped back, pissed at being caught.

"Let's find out," Lucifer said speculatively.

"Wait!" Sam gasped, eyes wide with fear. He didn't want to die.

Lucifer pinned Sam's wrists up over his head and leaned down. He fastened his lips to Sam's neck. There was a sharp pain, and then Sam could feel Lucifer sucking out his blood. Sam thrashed at first, but then it started to feel good and his muscles wouldn't obey him when he tried to get them to push Lucifer away. Why did having his blood sucked out of him feel so good?

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