Luminite of Mianite

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In a land far across the deadly ocean, a war between the gods of the realm rages. The god of light and good deeds, Mianite for whom the land is named, faces his enemy Dianite. The god of the Nether and mischeif, Dianite is fueled by his eternal hatred for Mianite. As they fight the goddesses watch, neither picking a side, and unable to stop the battle. Ianite the goddess of balance and justice, a gentle being whose wrath is best left unstirred. And Luminite the goddess of fortune and treasure, who stays by Ianite's side. 

One day two warriors washed up upon the white sandy beach, and they awoke to find a beautiful land. The warriors are brothers in arms, friends who have been through many battles. Mianite watched them closely, intrigued by the mortals who explored the untamed wilds without fear. That is, until night fell. Dianite's minions, the Horde approached. Undead archers fought at long range, while giant spiders and the canabalistic corpses went in to deal the final blows. The warriors had seperated to gather supplies for survival, and they found themselves trapped in similar situations. 

"Tom can you see me?" Tucker sat in a tree high atop the perilous peaks bordering the shore. 

He gazed down upon the land while the corpses reached for him. He wished his friend was by his side, so that they might protect each others backs against the onslaught. Luminite watched from the peak nearby, hidden in a tree. She was fascinated by the travellers, being the youngest of the gods she knew nothing of humans. She looked over to her right, a sudden flare of light catching her attention. The second warrior has created a furnace, illuminating the tree he stood upon.

"Tucker!" The shout floated upon the winds up to his shield brother, who heard it clearly.

They waited out the night, and as the sun's light lit the sky they watched the Horde burning. They managed to reunite after several near fatalities, and they clasped arms with grinning faces.

"I was nearly a goner there man, I thought the Zombies had me for sure." 

"I know how you feel, the fall from the tree almost got me."

They began working immediately, crafting chests and tools. Food cooked as they worked and they ate before sleeping. Luminite flew over to see them up close, her vast curiousity taking hold. Mianite watched over her, in case they would wake up and try to kill her. But his worry was misplaced, and Luminite left before they were conscious. 

As they came to another human washed upon the beach, an old companion of the brethren. The men noticed him as they climbed down the mountain, and they raced over to help him. Dehydrated and half drowned, it was a miracle he still lived. They carried him to the crude shelter atop the peak and nursed him back to health, switching between going out to mine and hunt, to caring for the sick. 

"These pawns might be handy...." Dianite watched them through his lava pool, planning his next move. 

"They aren't pawns. They are people."

The demonic lord spun, faceing the woman in the shadows. He has teleported Ianite far away, so he knew who hid in the shadows.

"Luminite do not presume them to be worthy of the title people. They are an infection upon the universe, a sickness that evil and good cannot conquer. The only reason they still live is because I will it so."

The pale maiden approached, her white hair a faded red in the light of the flames. She looked Dianite in the eyes, hers flashing in anger.

"They are the balance between fools. Do not degrade that which is better than yourself demon. That which dreams, aspires for the better, moves to alter the hands of fate, they are people."

Dianite moved forward, slamming Luminite into the wall, his clawed hand holding her throat. He hissed out his next words through his fangs.

"Don't presume to preach to me child!" He leaned in close to her covered face, growling.

"I will lock you back up. And this time Ianite isn't here to save you."

Luminite faded from his grasp, returning to the sky realm. She ran to Mianite, but wordlessly she hugged him and a tear fell. Down through the clouds it went until it hit the head of a warrior washing up on the shoreline. The time that had passed in the sky realm was like minutes to the gods, but to the mortals it was several weeks. They now had exstravagent homes and several others had joined, of which only one was a woman. The teardrop had hit the head of a warrior known as Captain Sparklez, or Jordan to those who knew him.

His wounds healed, burns and cuts from a battle with a traitorous minion. Tom found him as he was pulled by the waves, and he dragged Jordan further inland. He woke up and greeted Tom, managing to stand and walk after his ordeal. 

"Welcome to the land of Mianite!"

"Oh! Hello." His voice was raspy, dehydration and his short comatose having affected him. 

Tom led him further inland and up the high slopes to Tucker's home, where they provided food and shelter for the night. Come dawn's light he left to build himself a home, and as he worked the goddesses watched. 

"His heart is strong, I believe he might be able to restore balance, Thank you brother Mianite." Ianite stared into the all seeing ender eye.

"You will be free again my sister. Your friend is working to assure that."

Luminite was indeed, breaking several of the laws while doing so. She focused her powers on granting special enchantments, abilities and even inspiration upon the sole warrior of Ianite. Time passed and the land began to fall into mass chaos, the scions of Dianite planting the seeds of mischeif and doubt everywhere. Even working to right everything Luminite was unable to restore the balance without Ianite, and Dianite's power grew.


The goddess turned, having been preocupied with helping Jordan with a looting sword.

"What do you want Dianite?" She was in no mood to speak with the dark underlord.

"You are interfering with matters that do not concern you. I warned you before of the consequences and now you will face them."

The goddess backed away, but before she could rejoin Mianite in the Sky realm, Dianite teleprted her. She found herself in a glass cell surrounded by lava. Deep underneath the foundations of a temple is a dark box, obsidian blocks four deep around the lava encasing her glass prison. Her powers were reduced, the lack of moonlight and darkness draining her. She was able to focus the last of her strength upon Jordan and through him, Ianite to help them.

"My dear friend, and noble champion may luck be with you."

Her skin greyed and became as stone, and there her statue sits until Dianite's power recedes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2014 ⏰

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