Oh Cheese Nuggets...

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I just rolled my eyes, and payed attention. Seems like were going to be retrieving lost information on Orochimaru. Fun.


"Lalalalalalala," (Y/N) hummed as he and team 7 exited the village. 

"This mission is going to be so much fun I can't wait to met and destroy Orichimaru for taking Sasuke." 

"You sure have a lot of confidence he is  was on the legendary sonin."

"All the better!"

'Brat will you shut up i'm trying to sleep!'

'Sorry what got you panties in a knot?'

'This orichimaru I don't like him, something off about him hell he managed to awaken me with just one serum.'

'That's not normal?'

'Hell no I don't wake up for nothing besides food.'

'Makes sense.'

The group continued walking and they arrived at a little village. The group decided ahead that it would be a good idea to split up to gather more information. The first place (Y/N) went was to an art store. 

Mostly for his own needs. He grabbed two sketchbooks, and some pencils. He went to the old shop keeper. He had a smile on his face. I paid for the items, and we just stared at each other. 

"May I ask you a question?"

"Yes you may."

"Do you know who the fuck Orichimaru is and if you do then where the fuck does he live?"

"Wow I would never except so much hate from such a pure face," The sweet old man started, "But yes I have heard of Orichimaru, but I've never met him, and I do not know of any information to where he might be taken camp but I will warn you if you go after Orchimaru do no prepare to come back."

"Thanks old man, but I can handle myself."

I walk out of the shop, and wander around, until I hear a familiar voice. That set me off. 


I ran into the shop to see the one and only person who injected me with the liquid that awakened Gyro. 

'You should be thanking him.' 

'I would if he didn't stop me from rescuing Sasuke.' 

"Hey idiot!"

He spun around and when his eyes laid upon me he smirked.

"Has my little one finally accepted the fact that he-"

"Secret Technique: Dragon Claws!" 

Gyro's chakra surrounded my hands and claws similar to his formed around them. I then leaped to my enemy, and attempted to cut his neck. Attempted. He vanished into a group of snakes. I then felt a presence behind me. 

"Now now kitten let's not get the fiesty yet," He chuckled, "Sasuke has been wanting to see you."

There was a sharp pain in the back of my neck. Everytime!

OwO I'm back! Kind of... I can write but I have a limited time to do so. So stories might be updated a little slow but I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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