Sweet Dreams

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White. It's all she could see. White. Another of the same dream. Maybe? Perhaps.
"Morgan?" Wait...she knew that voice. The only voice she ever thinks about at night when going to bed, and only voice she ever thinks about when she wakes up. The only voice she ever wishes she'd hear more often. "Morgan is that you?" She doesn't know how to answer it, but an instinct of desperation calls out and answers.

"Dad? It's me! Where are you?" She can't help but yell. She wants to find him, but she doesn't know where he is. Then, she sees a silhouetted figure among the bright white. Could it be? "Dad!" She runs towards the figure and stops right in front of it, the figure of a familiar man.

"Morgan." Is all this man could speak, tears lining his eyes. All of a sudden she feels a squeeze around her. It's comforting. "I missed you."

"Me too, dad." A tear crept down her cheek. "Why did you go?"

"Morgan...I-" That was all she heard before she had opened her eyes, her mother standing in front of her. Morgan looked at her with an irritated look and rolled over in her bed, covering the blankets back over her face. 

"Go away." Morgan muffled voice was heard from under the covers.

"No. You have to get up, Morgan. It's school." Her mother insisted. Morgan peeked up from the covers in tears at Pepper's worried eyes. "Honey...what's wrong?" Morgan didn't want to tell her. In fact, she still hasn't. Why? She's terrified, and also, she doesn't know if her mother feels tje same way.

"I'm fine...just morning tears." She lies. She gets up, uncovering herself, and avoids her mother's eye-contact. She then walks over to her wardrobe and looks inside for her school uniform. She finds it and plops it on her bead next to her mother.

"Morgan." Pepper looks at her but Morgan doesn't say anything. She just looks at Pepper.

"Mom. I'm okay. You can leave now." She fake-smiles then hugs her mother. Pepper hugs back and then gets up, leaving. Once Morgan has confirmed that her mother had left, she gets dressed for school, trying to ignore the fact on how she misses her father. 


Morgan couldn't concentrate. Usually she never can. But it doesn't necessarily mean she hasn't been a good student. Going through Tony's old notes had actually always been fun for her. And because of it, she's the smartest girl in the entire school. She even outsmarts teachers at times. The teachers hate her for it, but she doesn't care. She likes not to be called on to answer the questions at school. The teachers don't pick her anyway, because, well, you know. Everyone says she's so much like her father, like Happy and Bruce. Even Pepper admits it sometimes. She'd find Morgan down in Tony's old lab, sleeping on the floor with a blanket at times. Pepper of course knows that Morgan misses Tony, but she thought she'd be over it by now. Under the watchful eye of Happy Hogan, Morgan likes talking to him. He usually keeps everything a secret against Pepper, Except if she's missed a homework assignment. You know, the responsible stuff.

The bell rings, and it's the end of school already. And that means Summer Time. Morgan's favorite season is actually fall or spring, because at least the temperature is bearable. But Summer is always nice because she gets more time by herself, and gets more time for projects. And boy, did she have a lot of projects planned for when she came home. 

The first thing she does when she comes in the house is race down stairs into Tony's old lab. It's her comfort spot. She remembers she would always want to play with her dad when she was young, but he'd usually be working on stuff. Mainly things to protect the family. Even after Thanos was done with his decimation, it was still noticeable that Tony had been terrified on what could still come. Unlike, Pepper, though, Morgan actually loved watching her dad work. It excited her, and wanted to reflect that on his legacy when she had gotten older. She would for the most part, always sneak into the garage at night, after he told her the shortest, lamest bedtime stories ever, and take whatever looked cool to her. Of course, though, Tony was notified by F.R.I.D.A.Y, and always had to fetch her from accidentally potentially blowing the house up, or something. But Morgan is surprisingly more independent than ever, now that she thinks of it. She's usually comfy down in her father's lab. 

Now, what to fish through... She started with a unusual suspicious box, and opened it. There were a TON of things inside. Mostly blueprints and old welder torches. She remembers when she was little, Tony attaching a welding feature to his Iron Man suit, so if he was ever lazy and didn't want to get out of the suit and wanted to weld something, it would be right there. On the other hand, Morgan thought it was stupid. She'd rather use an actual welder, instead. She was always fascinated by holograms. And actually made one about five months before her father's death. She was so proud of herself and couldn't wait to make more. Tony always told her that when she was old enough, he would make a suit for her, so she could also save the world like him. Then again, she actually might think of doing this...when though?

Perhaps this summer!

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