Love at First Sight

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Spring break was over for the students at U.A. and Sero was sitting at his desk, waiting for everyone to arrive. When Denki Kaminari walked in, Seros' face turned red. 'My crush, he's so cute. Ugh, but I don't know how to talk to him.' Sero banged his head against his books. "Hey Sero. How was your break?" Deku was happy as usual. Sero replied,"Good, how was yours?" 

"Mine was good." Deku and Sero talked until Aizawa walked in and told then to take their seats. Sero couldn't shake this lovey feeling. Denki was completely unaware that Sero liked him. Lunch was the time for Sero to actually talk to Kaminari. "Hey Denki, how was your break?"

"Oh, hey Sero, It was pretty good. How about yours?" Denki was so cute and Sero almost said the wrong thing.

"Mine wasn't the same without- mine was pretty good too."

"What were going to say?" Sero couldn't risk saying the wrong thing again, so he walked away. He felt so bad for not fessing up and telling him how he feels. The rest of class was training and tests. The bell rang to set us free. Walking home was peaceful, but he still regretted his act at lunch. And what made it worse, was that he still loved him. The next day and Kaminari was not in class today. Sero was getting worried about him. "OK, today we are doing team exercises. Find a partner and do some drills." Aizawa was ready to see if they could work with a 'sidekick'. All Might was there to help them a bit. The groups were Deku and Todoroki, Bakugo and Kirishima, Uraraka and Tsuyu, and finally Sero and Momo. All throughout the training session, he couldn't stop thinking about Denki. "Hey Kirishima, have you seen Kaminari today?"

"No, I haven't seen him today. Why?" 

"I'm just worried about him, that's all." Kirishima walked away with Bakugo to class. He had no clue on where Denki could be. 'Somethings not right, no one has seen Kaminari and he usually tells someone where he is or going to be.' Sero couldn't think of where he is, so he tried not to think about it. He tried texting him, but Denki didn't reply back. 

What should I do? (Serokami)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora