chapter 6

509 9 3

Morning after


I wake up still asleep but I had to wake up to go to the university "I slept badly tonight, my neck hurts" I think in my head as I head to the bathroom to wash myself, open the faucet and take off my glasses and start to wash my face and leave that the water darkens in my visa at a certain point I look at my blurred reflection and I see a black spot but I can't focus, so I put my glasses again with my face watered by the water, my eyes opened wide to what I was seeing, a sign as big as a coffee cup on my neck, I had the instinct to touch it what was wrong because only with my touch I moaned at the pain it was swollen and above all violet what I could see with my fair skin a naked eye, "but what, wait" my memories of last night returned to me in a hymen "now I remember Nao yesterday was at my house and" suddenly my face was completely pink and hot I could not Believe it and after all it happened in and Nao we kissed and then he ..

I didn't even want to think about it because after all I remembered that I had thrown it violently and he had gone away maybe he was angry with me, I couldn't think of the other.

It was 7:45 am and I had to be at the university for 80:30 my parents had already left the house and I had managed to hide the big mark in my neck, I hoped that the collar of my shirt would cover it but my hopes were unfounded, it only compresses most of it but you could see the stero "and now what do I do if someone sees it ?, then today in the university I will find Nao my life is about to end" I say and I mixed my hands in my hair.

It was getting late and I had to go to university I had already skipped several days and I could not skip them, so at heart I left home and went to university.


Pov nao

it was 8.15am and soon I had to be in class "Who knows if today is true" I think I still couldn't believe that last night I had lost my mind I was no longer me, it was like it was something that was hidden inside me.

I was worried, "what do you think of me and what I did yesterday" my thoughts were distorted by a figure that was observed among the students of the university I knew who he was and he didn't miss us twice to follow him.


sorry for the wait :)

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