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Caption: Mornings were nice sometimes, for Stan, even though he really wasn't a morning person.

What woke him wasn't the blaring of the alarm next to their shared king bed. Instead, it was the waft of bacon sizzling on the stove and the sound of gentle humming floating through the apartment. Stan swung his legs over the mattress and shoved the blanket off, feeling like a child waking up and realizing that school was off because it was snowing.

"If I could begin to be…"

Stan slowly walked out of the bedroom, in nothing but a Broncos shirt and his boxers. Kyle always made their room entirely too hot, since he was consistently cold every single night, and as a result, Stan could barely even stand to wear a t-shirt and his boxers. However, he couldn’t just sleep with nothing on, because that would definitely be gay, so he had to compromise somewhere.

"Half of what you think of me…"

He listened to Kyle's soft humming, sounding like the morning song of birds as the early breeze of dawn made way for the beams of sunlight streaming through floating clouds.

"I could do about anything…"

Stan stood at the end of the hallway, peering around the corner to see Kyle, tending to what looked like a breakfast neither of them would be able to finish. He wasn't sure if it was just because of his mom, but Kyle never failed to make more food than they needed and then have the leftovers for lunch the next day. Sometimes, he'd leave some food for Stan, too.

"Dude?" Stan said after a second, yawning and stretching his arms above his head. Kyle turned around to face him for a second, already dressed for the day and wearing an apron to avoid getting any bacon grease or raw egg on his sweater. After seeing that it was just Stan, the redhead turned back around, spatula still in hand.

"Good morning," Kyle replied, "you need to shave." In actuality, Kyle didn't mind at all the stubble that sometimes grazed Stan's jaw. It looked nice on him, since he was one of those people who was somehow able to pull it off.

"Meh, I'll shave later." Stan gave a small, boyish smile - the kind of smile he's had since he was eight, though over the years Kyle just noticed it more - as he stepped into their kitchen area, right behind Kyle. He wrapped his arms around the smaller man's waist, pulling him close.

"What're you doing?" Kyle inquired, flipping a pancake with the spatula that was in his hand. He didn't seem phased by any of this, so Stan didn't see a need to stop.

"I'unno," the man shrugged, "just sorta watching you make pancakes." Neither of them had classes on Saturdays, since they had decided that was going to be their day. They had strategically planned their schedules around one another on this day, because it was the only day they could really spend time with one another and they didn't want to lose the relationship they had.

Which, in all fairness, might sound gay. But they're not. Neither of them are gay.

Scratch that - Kyle's gay. He came out last year, right before they moved away, because that was when he felt it was the safest. His parents were very, very accepting and his brother just shrugged it off since he had already just assumed. Since his father and Randy spent so much time together, he had heard Randy's worries about Kyle "turning Stan gay". He made it very clear that he had nothing against gay people, though, so Kyle figured it was fine.

But Stan isn't gay. Not as he was pressed against Kyle in just his boxers, resting his face in those wild curls that felt just a little damp and smelled of lavender and honey. Not when he said "I love you" every night to another man. And most certainly not when he was forced into a closet in a game of Spin the Bottle two years ago with his best friend.

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