protection and concealment spell

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this one is a bit trickier for a beginner to really master, but it pays off, i promise. personally, i don't really need this spell. i'm one of those people who can slip right through and nobody sees. but, it's a handy thing to have around.

there's two versions of this. an easier; more long term spell that requires materials. and then the spell that uses nothing but your voice. the second one can even become nonverbal if you get really great at the spell!

version a:

materials needed: a symbol representing the people or group you wish to protect (one is enough for many people), a candle

- light candle
- hold symbol over lit candle
- say the words "protectioné, concilioné" (pro-tek-SEE-oh-nay, cohn-see-lee-OH-nay)
- focus on the power going into the flame and wax of the candle and the vapor bringing it to the symbol
- snuff out the candle, still holding the symbol in place for a few seconds
- drip a bit of wax on the symbol, you'll feel it when it's right
- let dry and keep in a safe place

version b:

- visualize the intended target(s)
- summon up all the power you can muster for it
- release it into/onto the target with the same phrase "protectioné, concilioné"
- solidify the energy in target(s)

all in all, still a pretty easy couple of spells. the first one *is* recommended if you're not experienced because the physical anchor can help make up for less energy channeled or an unsteady aim (everyone starts out that way, don't worry).

have a nice day!

april 26, 2019

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