Chapter 1

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Kristen sniffed again as more hot tears rolled down her cheeks.The air wascold and damp as she shivered she scolded herself for not bringing a jacket or a coat of some sort with her.

She quickly washed her tears away with the water from the stream infront of her.She bandaged her arm which was bleeding profusely with a piece of cloth.*Snap* Kristen jumped startled at the sound.

She heaved a sigh of relief when she noticed it was just an owl, but there was something odd about it. There were no owls in this part of the woods especially not in this extremely hot weather.

Before she could think about a logic solution she saw a figure coming towards her she couldn't move she couldn't run she couldn't scream for help not that anyone would have heard her.She was stuck.

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Kristen woke up with a jump,greedily sucking all the air in she felt as if she couldn't breathe.She suddenly noticed she was in an unfamiliar room . She quickly scrambled out of the bed and tried to open the door but it was of no use it was locked.

She thought about screaming but that would have done her no good it would only strain her lovely voice she thought.

"Save yourself the trouble" she heard a voice say. "There is no way you can get out of here not without my help though".

She turned and looked around the room but no one was there.

As she scanned  the room she noticed that one window was left open. She ran to it and looked out of it to her disappointment the drop was too far down but she had another idea.

She tied all pieces of cloth she could find including her bedsheet and put it out the window.She heard a voice which startled her.She immediately cursed knowing she had dropped her only way out of there.

"Silly girl" the voice said." You thought you could escape. Now it's time for punishment".

"By the way my bane is Lettina not that you would even remember it"

By the time she realised what that meant she began to feel dizzy. She grabbed the bed and the last thing she could remember was Lettina saying"Sweet dreaams".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2019 ⏰

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