Chapter 3

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"God damn it!" Linda jumped in her bed again "When is it going to end?"

The young woman looked at her clock. It was ten minutes to six which meant that after those ten minutes the alarm will go off. Linda switched it off got up from bed.

"This time it wasn't so bad, comparing to last time," she said to herself "at least no killings before my eyes which is already good. But my old school... and that creature... He was always there, in each such dream of mine. But why? What does it all mean?"

Too many questions but not even a single answer. Linda sighed heavily and began preparing for work. She made herself a quick cup of black tea and ate a few sandwiches. Washing her teeth and putting a bit of makeup she dressed up and left home.

The day at work passed rather peacefully. She put a stamp on the document that had to be translated and signed it. As it was arranged, at ten the lady came for it and paid the price. After she left, both women had to talk things over.

"Today you look better, Lin," Alice said with a smile "I guess you slept better?"

"Well, yes, kind of," Linda replied "at least it wasn't as bad as it was last time."

"What do you mean? Again those strange dreams?"

"Yes, but this time it was more peaceful comparing with the last one. At least no bloody scenes, which makes me happy. Again this thick fog, of course, but guess where I found myself? In my old high school," Linda closed her eyes for a moment, trying to remember details. "It was deserted, just like that unfamiliar town that I saw before. And... that creature... the one with triangular helmet on its head. I faced it again."

"And what did it do?" Alice asked curiously.

"Hmm... it just came and stood before me for a moment, like pondering about something, and then picked me up and threw me on his shoulder like a bag full of potatoes, and left. That's all I remember."

Alice fell into thoughts for a moment.

"Interesting. Have you got any ideas about the meaning of these dreams of yours? Especially the appearance of this beast?"

"No idea, really. I've thought about it hundreds of times. And still can't understand why such dreams occur from time to time. I wish I knew it," Linda sighed. "What's more, I don't recognize the town that I appear in. Of course, there are many ghost towns around the world, including the States, I've seen many pictures of them. But this one... Completely unfamiliar."

"I see. You know what? When we come to my place, we can search online together for ghost towns, at least in our state and the closest ones to it. Maybe you missed some of them after all."

"All right, good idea," Linda agreed. She liked this offer after all. "You might be right, I could have missed some city that is not maybe known so well."

"Sure, you can't know about all the towns in the world, can you? There's too many of them and may be not enough information about each one."

"I agree. I feel that today we'll find out something new," Linda smiled.

"Could be," Alice replied. "By the way, yesterday evening I prepared pizza. It's left only to bake it."

"Oh wow, really? That's cool. You're professional in making pizza" Linda grinned slyly.

"Oh thank you, it means a lot to me," Alice blushed slightly "it's one of my favourite foods that allows you to fantasize as much as you wish. I made seafood pizza this time."

"I adore seafood!" Linda exclaimed happily.

"I know, dear" Alice said with a warm smile "that's why I made it like this. At least your mood with rise a little bit."

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