Chapter 4

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~Error's P.O.V.~

I landed softly on the tiled floor with the kids in my arms. My small figure was getting tired so I set Pj down while still carrying Gradient. Pj clung to my shirt as he hid behind me, both him and Gradient was silent even though I was sure Gradient didn't understand what was happening. In front of us was a huge hall, this was the main lobby of the whole place. The room was dark and the curtains were shut covering the huge glass windows. Candles lit up the room and a big chandelier loomed above us. I looked back to see the big castle doors that looked more intimidating than I remember. The place was a bit dusty, signing lack of cleaning but it wasn't abandoned. Holding Pj's hand, I started walking forward to the two hallways facing opposite each other at the end of the room. There were few couches and beanbags scattered mindlessly around the place. The coffee table was flipped and the carpet had blood stains on them. I kept a straight look as I neared the end of the room where a big throne was located. I turned to the right, if I remember correctly, this should lead me to the steps. They should be awake even if it was past midnight. They usually slept at three in the morning, at least that's what I remembered. "Mommy, where are we? It's too dark, I can't see much." I hear Pj ask me. "You'll know soon enough sweetie." I respond to him quietly, trying to lull Gradient to sleep. It was way pass their bedtime and they need much sleep. I reached the large grand stairs and started walking upstairs. Another hallway, this place seemed bigger than I remembered. I brushed off the feeling of the presence of someone else as I dragged my feet to walk. I turned to another way only to scream in shock when a face appeared in my view unexpectedly, I heard a surprised yelp from Pj. I threw a hard punch at the face and not really processing what just happened. A thud and clatter was heard along with along groan. I looked down to see a skeleton fallen on the floor with a tray of snacks littered beside him. His black and white clothes suits for cold climate. "Oh, it's Nightmare's boyfriend." I heard from above making me look up. There, I saw a floating figure of a kid, and although I'm almost blind and my eyesight is extra blurry because of the dark, I knew it was Cross Chara but we call him CC. "Error?!" The skeleton from the ground, known as Cross, suddenly jumps up with a look of shock and disbelief. "What the hell is going on?! Could please fucking tune it down?! I'm masturbating here!" A loud voice was heard from a room making both me and Cross sweat drop and me wincing. I looked down hoping Pj didn't catch that, but it was unlikely seeing that the sentences were said in a loud harsh tone. The kid didn't seem to catch up with what whoever that was said. "Oh my fucking God! It's Error! Lorde! Is this real!" Cross exclaimed making me roll my eyes. "Alright, calm your dick down. Yeah it's Error, you're not blind, you can fucking see him clearly right now." CC deadpanned. I put a finger in front of my mouth to shut him up with out saying 'shut up' because my kids are here. Like right here. He ignored my gesture and started banging on the floor with the tray in his hand and shouting, "OH MY--GOD! ERROR IS HERE! EVERYONE!! COME OUT OF YOUR FUCKING ROOMS!! STOP FUCKING EACH OTHER AND COME!! HEREEEE!!!!!" I told Pj to cover his ears and he did while I covered the ears of Gradient who was squirming in his sleep. I swear if he doesn't stop, I will kick him back to where he came from. I glared at him and he slowly started to quiet down. A loud bang was heard and I looked up to see the door flew open and figures started to emerge. First I saw was another skeleton, the colors were pale blue and I immediately figured that it was Killer based on the glowing red circle on his chest. Then the others, they were also skeleton. They stop a few distance from Cross and I, and we stood there in awkward silence. The hooded one was Dust, the one with a large hole on his head was Horror, and the one that stands out to me the most, with his skeletal body covered in goop and tentacles emerging from his back. It was Nightmare, his glowing blue eye captivated me. All of them sprung up for a hug but Dust and Nightmare. They made me smile, I laughed at their comments saying that they all missed me and was worried about me. I can totally sense the confusion coming from my son as I hand him the sleeping form of Gradient. I returned their hugs, I missed them. One thing made me wonder though, why didn't Dust join the hug? I mean he was always the person to join in with Horror and Killer but why not now? I understand Nightmare wasn't the hugger and he didn't like showing affection so freely. We released our hug and I looked at Dust in confusion but with a smile. Then I noticed stains on his shirt and shorts. Now I know. I covered Pj's eyes and he gave a confused sound but I just shushed him. The others didn't seem to get what I was doing so I cleared my throat and pointed my eyes at Dust. I was sure I saw him blushing when the others glared at him and Nightmare throwing him to his room to clean making me laugh. "I missed you guys." I said making them awe. My eyes scanned every person in the hall, and stopped at Nightmare. He had this look, the same look that he gave me when I almost died. I didn't know what it meant. I didn't know what it should be, and it scared me. It was unreadable like him himself. There was silence as we looked at each other. I could feel the stares of the gang switching from me to their boss then to me again. "Nightmare." I addressed his name. There was a quick flash. Blinking, the next thing I saw was Nightmare's face inches away from mine and I widened my eyes in surprise. I could feel his arms wrapped around me for a tight and secure hug. It was firm but not crushing, a comfortable feeling that I've been longing was surrounding me and I leaned in earning a quiet chuckle. He pulled away and looked at me straight in the eyes. "I-We missed you Error." He said and I sighed with content. I feel something lean on me and I remembered my children. Immediately, I picked both of them up. Pj had his eyes lidded and Gradient was still sound asleep. I looked back up and was greeted by the gang's shocked and and confused face like they only noticed the two small children now. Cross was about to speak but I silenced him with a hush sound. He closed his once opened mouth and Horror stepped in front of us. He smiled at me and made a 'follow me' sign with his hands. I complied and walked behind him leaving the others behind us. It was a comfortable silence as we walked across the hallway. The flopping sound of our slippers were the only thing that's heard along with the occasional rubbing of fabric materials at each other signifying our movements. "It must have been an emergency for you to have come here, Error." Horror decided to break the ice, I remained silent for him to continue. He glanced back at me before continuing. "When you stopped visiting, we thought for sure that Ink had caught you. We were so worried, specially Nightmare." I looked at the boys, avoiding his gaze because of the guilt bubbling inside me. I mumbled a small sorry and he just smiled at me. A genuine smile, not his usual insane one. "No need to apologize, I'm sure you did it for a reason. And whatever that was, we won't push you to tell us." He said. They still cared for me even when I abandoned them. I don't deserve this family, they should have better. A sigh escaped my mouth and I didn't even notice that we stopped walking. "Here. Remember?" Horror spoke. We were in front of a door. The door I knew too well. He didn't wait for my response and opened the dark wooden door revealing a room, my room. Or at least, it used to be. Horror stepped aside for me to get in. Flicking the lights on, I was shocked to see that nothing has changed. The room was still painted in dark blue with the hints of pale yellow. The old furnitures were still here. And the bed, it still had the blanket that I got from Outertale. The blanket with the pattern of the galaxy, showing the star constellations. The big wardrobe beside the window looked untouched. The place was cleaned and the only thing that seem to have been added was the random boxes at the corner of the room. I placed my two sleeping boys at the bed first before turning to Horror. His big red eye watching me like I was gonna disappear any second. I pointed outside the door and both of us got out. "Thank you, for letting me stay. Even if I haven't really asked for it yet." I gave a slight chuckle lightening up the mood. "Well you looked like you needed it." Horror said, stuffing his hands in hi pocket. I glanced back at the room through the open door. "Why.. is the room still like that?" I asked unsure. "Oh uh.. that? Heh, well... some of us.. all of us can't seem to... accept?... that you were gone. So we kept your room the way it is. We cleaned it like you were actually here... those boxes are gifts by the way." Horror didn't seem to know how to explain it properly but the mention of gifts got me. "Gifts?" I asked. "Yeah gifts! Heh, we got you many things." Horror said in glee. "What for?" I asked curiously. "Well, you know. Your birthday?" Horror said but it was more like a question. "Oh birthday...."

~1781 words~

Uh my updates are getting slower. Sorry about that! Anyways, please vote if you like this chapter. It's kinda rushed sorry. Comment down what you guys think! See ya in the next chapter!

~the author

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