Short-lived Victory pt.2

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*Bad words*
*Y/L= Your Lastname.*

"She had said something about her name starting with an M", you thought as you ran to your locker, " Maybe I should forget about her. She doesn't even go here. That was probably the last time I would have that amount of time to spend with her. Why wasn't I talking? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!" You scowled at yourself then quickly grabbed your science, history, math, and notebooks. You quickly scavenge for pencils. You found a pen and two mechanical pencils. Once you closed your locker, you locked it and ran to your Math class. Your teacher was sitting at her desk. You sat down and took out one of the four notebooks you had taken out of your locker. You started writing the notes down quickly, before the teacher could erase the equations and steps off the board. There was a knock on the classroom door. Everyone quickly moved their eyes to it. A woman with a white buttoned down shirt and a black sleek skirt walked in. That there was the hypocrite; the principle. You quickly covered your face with your sleeve and pretended to solve some algebraic. "Ms.    Y/L" The principle said crossing her arms. "The pepper spray incident.", you thought to yourself while the principle said your last name again. Your gathered your things and felt the stares from your peers burning through your back as you walked out. You both walked out into the hall way to her office. On your way there, you heard familiar crying and screaming from earlier. You moved your head to the nurses office and saw the same girl crying like there was no tomorrow. Your face scrunched up when she looked at you. Her eyes and face were red and wet with tears. She would yell that it had burned. The wall blocked your view and you sighed in relief. ~Office~ Once you both arrived, you started to fidget with your clothes. You both sat down across from each other. "So Ms. Y/L, let's start this out with why you sprayed the pepper spray in Ms. Jennings eyes with your pepper spray?" She asked. "What? I didn't have pepper spray! I didn't spray it! And I would if I would've if I had the damn thing.-" Your thoughts were interrupted by an irate principal, sitting up and repeating herself, "Ms. Y/L, why did you spray pepper spray into Ms.Jennings eyes?" You looked at her with anger, confusion, and disbelief written on your face, and in your eyes. This is when you lose a little bit of control over what you do or say next. "Okay, firstly ma'am, I did not spray anything in Ms.Whoever's eyes. And I am highly offended that you, supposedly a grown woman with experience with teens and their type of behavior, would automatically assume that I did such an act without even hearing my side of the argument. Heck, facts from me." You said also sitting up a bit, feeling your body temperature rise. "Stay in your place Ms. Y/L. This argument is four against one." "There weren't four! Wait...But she doesn't go here-" you thought. "-counting me." "Oh." You said to yourself. You looked at her with your eyebrows furrowed thinking, "Wow this b*tch is really trying to get on my bad and side." You balled up your hands into fists. "Okay ma'am, go ahead and tell me what my consequences are please." You said coldly. She took out a paper and handed it to you. You looked at it and stayed silent. "Go ahead and get your mother to sign that and enjoy the rest of your day." She said with a slight smile. You got up and decided not to push the chair in, as you normally would do. Once you were out of the door, you booked it to your locker. You quickly put in your combination and put your things in your backpack and put it on. "Of course she would believe them. It's all in the number. It doesn't matter, just forget about it", you said to yourself. After that, you closed your locker and walked away to class stuffing the paper into your backpack. You opened the door and sat back down and didn't look up for the rest of the class period. ~Transition~ You walked out with the rest of the students and made your way to science class you passed by, you know it! The damn principle. We all know that she always has something to say. She grabbed your arm and pulled you in front of her, "You're supposed to be out of my school Ms. Y/L." She said sternly. You looked into her eyes and had a confused look, but just shook your head and walked outside. "What now?" You asked yourself as you walked to your bike. There was a laugh heard from behind you. It was the soft and familiar laugh.
Please comment some ideas. Sorry for the misspelled or misuse of words, and the fact that I'm a bad writer. •_•

Words: 824

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