Chapter Four

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There's a beginning of school party that the whole school is invited to tonight, so I suppose that will be rather interesting and at least it's on a Saturday as well. Although I don't know why anyone would want to celebrate the beginning of school.


Finally, the party has started, and guess what? I'm the best-looking person here, duh. Dumb, Dumber and The Dumbest are here too (Liam, Taya and Massika). They do know this is a party, right? Not some study group or freak therapy session.

Some people here are okay, I just met a guy who I swear appeared out of nowhere, but he seemed nice enough. He had dirty blonde hair that was perfectly styled, bright green eyes and cheekbones that made me jealous, he reminded me of someone I knew but I couldn't quite put my finger on it, I shrugged it off and decided to just have a good time. We were talking by the kitchen and laughing when Massika came up behind us.

"Who are you talking too?" Massika asked.

"None of your business," I responded sharply, "Don't you have eyes?"

"Of course I have eyes," she said, rolling them for effect, "It's just that –"

She was cut off by Taya coming over to drag her away, obviously sensing that a fight was brewing. "It's not worth it," I heard her whisper to Massika as they walked away.

The hotty and I danced for a little while longer after Massika left, but the DJ was just getting worse and worse as the night went on. Then we eventually decided to just fuck it, literally. We were about halfway up the stairs to find a bedroom when he suddenly asked me, "Do you even know my name?"

"No," I scoffed, "Why would I need to?"

"Well when two people meet they generally exchange names," He laughed.

"Surely you could find some other things for me to call you?"

"Well I prefer my name, which is Andrew by the way."

"Fine, Andrew," I mocked, rolling my eyes, "Shall we make our way to the bedroom now?"

"Why, of course milady, lead the way."

I stalked past him and opened the first door I saw, which was the door to the bathroom and they were doing such unholy things that I proceeded to slam the door shut and move on to the next one, which thank god, was an empty bedroom. As soon as we stepped foot in the room we were making out, making sure to lock the door, obviously. This guy was sweeter than I expected him to be, considering he seems like the jock type.

We never actually got to doing anything, we were both half undressed when he stopped us and suggested we just talk, said it would be weird for him if he did this, I was mildly offended but I stopped anyway. I don't know why, but I stayed to talk anyway, I didn't really fancy going back downstairs.

"So, that girl you almost fought with before, who was she and what were you fighting about?" He asked, turning over to face me.

"She's just some outcast and we were about to fight because she's an arrogant bitch," I answered, conveniently leaving out that she was in a band with me in music.

"Really?" He scoffed, "And are you the pot or the kettle?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well you are being a bit of a hypocrite, aren't you? Like, don't get me wrong, you're hot as hell and you're amazing in bed," I rolled my eyes, boys have a very one-track mind, "but I've seen you around, and you can be rather arrogant yourself, not to mention, you're bitchy with everyone, all the time."

"And?" I asked, "I'm not forcing anyone to talk to me or put up with me, if you think I'm horrible then you're welcome to leave," I said, gesturing to the door.

"No, I won't, because I think there's a reason why, no one is born evil."

"You must have never met my brother then," I chuckled. "I can't remember a single moment in our childhood when we weren't being rude to each other, it never occurred to us that it would all be over one day. He was nice sometimes but when he wasn't, he really was the worst."

"Surely, he wasn't that bad," Andrew questioned.

"Maybe not, maybe it was just me, but I kinda wish he was still like that."

"Like what? Alive?"

"No, mean. He got softer over time, my brother started to turn in on himself, he wouldn't talk to anyone and he hardly ever came out of his room, he skipped school and he never talked to me anymore, not even to insult me, he barely even looked at me."

"Hey," Andrew said, wiping a lone tear from cheek, "I'm sure he had a reason for that and it wasn't your fault. Whatever the cause of death was I'm sure he was glad of it, everyone here thinks it was a car crash and if it was then we can only hope it happened fast enough so that he wouldn't feel anything." Although his words were kind and his tone of voice even suggested as such, there was something else there, something that sounded like he already knew. I didn't know what Andrew knew of what had happened, but I know he knew very well that he was lying to me.

"Yeah," I said, sniffling slightly and playing along with it for now. It was then after I had become less emotional that I took the situation into account, I was lying in bed, half-naked and crying over my dead brother with the guy I just met, a guy who might already know everything. I was too vulnerable. "I'm sorry Andrew, but I have to go, I'll see you at school."

"Wait!" He said, but I was already dressed and halfway out the door.

I was about halfway down the hall when he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "I know you didn't want to talk about it then but here's my number," He said, handing me a piece of paper, "Just in case you do want to talk."

I just nodded my head and started to walk off but for some reason I felt compelled to turn back around, "Hey Andrew?"


"Thank you," I said, giving him a genuine smile, it was the first time I smiled for real in a long time, "And I'll see in school on Monday."

"Yeah, bye."


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