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 Um I never added a prologue so let's pretend this was always here oKay

it's not gonna be a long prologue but you'll live

    A dark brown tabby and a tortoiseshell cat with a red tail stood glaring at each other, their fur bristling. The dark brown tabby opened his jaws to speak first as his razor-sharp claws dug into the earth, which was now softened by the rain.

     "I can't let you be deputy, Redtail!" He hissed, his amber eyes burning into the tortoiseshell's pelt. "This is for the future of ThunderClan!" A flash of lightning brightened the sky as a roar of thunder followed.

     The tortoiseshell got ready to leap at the warrior, even though they were of the same Clan. He knew he would break the Warrior Code by doing so, but he might have to kill the warrior to protect the other cats. "Tigerclaw, I can't let you do this. Listen to me, I'm the deputy of our Clan. If we leave without any more injuries, we can go home and never speak of this again."

     "I can't trust you, Redtail. I need to become deputy. I need to become leader of this pitiful Clan and rule the whole forest!"

     Tigerclaw sprang at the tortoiseshell warrior, knocking him off his paws onto the ground. He raised a paw, his claws unsheathed. "Do you think that will happen if you become leader?" He growled. "No, because you're weak. You would never be able to rule a Clan like I would!"

     Redtail refused to speak; he was afraid he'd lose the argument. He kicked Tigerclaw backward a few tail lengths with his powerful hind legs and pinned him down. Tigerclaw bared his teeth as he spoke. "You think you can kill me, Redtail? Do you think you can even hurt me?" Tigerclaw hissed as he struggled to loosen himself from the other cat's grip.

    The brown tabby gave Redtail an intimidating look before freeing his paws and clawing at his enemy's chest. Tigerclaw leaped up, pinning the other warrior down, just as what Redtail did to him. He lifted his unsheathed paw and ripped at the tortoiseshell's throat.  "Tigerclaw, why did you do this?" Redtail choked. "You'll never rule the Clan..."

     As Redtail collapsed onto the ground, Tigerclaw rose to his paws and circled around the dying deputy. Redtail's eyes glazed over as his breathing grew shallow and came to a stop. His blood was washing away into the soil to never be seen again. Another bolt of lightning lit up the sky and a loud boom of thunder followed shortly after. Tigerclaw heard a rustle in the leaves as he picked up Redtail's body and dragged it back to camp. "Just watch me."

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