Summer Vacation pt.1

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There is a large time skip because I didn't know how to fill in the huge gap. As you may have noticed, I had a very problematic writers block.

<<<< 5 years Later >>>

Ginny's POV

"But Mum why do we have to take a Muggle aewoplane?" Albus asked. "Because, It's better than apparating when you have 3 kids!" I exclaimed. "Don't worry Ginny, I'll take Albus and Lily for you." Blaise said. "Thank you Blaise." I replied.

G: 'Where exactly are we going? This Muggle airport looks weird'

H: 'It's a surprise'

"James! Stop following me! Mum! Dad! Tell James to leave me alone!" Alice shrieked, "James sweetheart, give Alice a break." Two cries could be heard. "Scor, Lily shhhhhhh." Luna tried to quiet the both of them down. Meanwhile, Albus and Christina were hopping all over the place. I could hear Harry and Hermione snickering at the huge jungle of kids. Scorpious and Lily were crying, James and Alice were fighting AGAIN. But Ellie and Noah were chill. It was a total madhouse. Hermione came and took Alice away from James. When that happened, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Ed and Lily had stopped crying, and James gave Alice some space. "Ok, here are seating Arrangements for the Kids! James, Alice, Scor, and Christina. Noah, Ellie and Teddy." Harry announced. Alice Groaned, "Out of all the people, it had to be James!" she exclaimed. "Oh don't worry my Lovely Alice! You'll learn to love me!" James exclaimed. Draco rolled his eyes, "Hands off my Daughter Potter!" He warned, "Draco and Hermione all over again." Blaise said. Everyone snickered.

Nobody's POV

"British Airways Flight 006 to New York JFK Airport is Now boarding. British Airways Flight 006 to New York JFK Airport is Now boarding."

"Oh! That's us," Blaise said. Harry and Hermione knew what to expect, But Ginny, Blaise, Luna and the Kids had never ever been on a Muggle airplane. "Erm, Hermione? How does that giant tube with wings stay in the air?!" Ginny exclaimed. "Oh don't worry about that, just enjoy. There will be a little bit of turbulence but you'll enjoy it." Hermione said. They all approached the Boarding Gate, and entered the Airplane. "Good Morning, Your seats are to the left." An Air Hostess said. they walked into the Area the Muggles called Business Class. Harry knew it was expensive, but he thought for the first time flyers, they should have a comfortable experience. Meanwhile, James made sure he was sitting next to Alice. "Woah!" Albus and Scorpious exclaimed. They were messing with the seat options. "Boys! Don't play with those." Ginny said. They stopped immediately and checked out the TV's and Headsets.

"Hold on! This is going to be a bumpy ride." 

Keeping Up With The Potters: a Hinny Fanfic [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now