Chapter 16

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Aaaahhh A CHAPTER AFTER SO LONG!! I know I've been gone for so long, that's because of finals and because I was in Michigan for 2 weeks, but now I'm back and hoping to get this story over by the start of July. Anyways enjoy this chapter! :)

  We were heading towards the Bishops to kill him. I know that it's not right to do this, but it's the only way to get what we need. We headed into the church and began to attack him. I felt so guilty doing this. He was soon on the ground in front of us.

Bishop: "Okay okay WHOA WHOA WHOA! Please, you don't have to kill me! I'll go away, the Prince will never know I'm alive. Please. Take these dire pig testicles, and tell the Prince they're mine."

Chloe: *sighs* "You know, I never want to do this so, you know what!! You get to live give me those!!"
Bishop: "Bless you, my son! It'll be our secret. Wow, good thing I saved these."

The Bishop then hand me the testicles which gave me a disgusted look.
Kyle: "A noble decision, Commander. I knew I was right to trust you."
Chloe: "Hehe, thanks.." (I MADE SENPAI PROUD!!) XD

We started our way back towards the prince.
Prince: "Is he dead? Did you kill him?"
Chloe: "Um, yes.. here.."
I then handed him the testicles.

Prince: "Yay! The Bishop's balls! Now religion won't interfere with government! How can we ever repay you?"
Chloe: "You said you would free the Minister of Montreal, my Lord."

Prince: "Sorry, no can do. With both the Bishop and the Minister taken care of, my throne is secure."
Chloe: (angry) "WHAT?!"
Princess: "But my liege, we made a promise."

Prince: "Shh. You. Shhh."
The Prince walks off. And when he was out of sight the princess got up.
Princess: "Quickly. You must speak with the Duke of Vancouver. He can help you get into the Catacombs of Quebec."

She then gave me a letter.
Princess: "Give the Duke this. Hurry now!"
Chloe: "Thank you so much! So long!"

We then started our way towards the place.
As we got there I went up to the Duke and handed him the letter.
Duke: "A letter from the Princess?"
He began to read the letter

Duke: "What the - why according to this, the Prince had something to do with the Bishop's murder and has imprisoned the Minister unjustly! Young man, if you wish to brave the Catacombs of Quebec, you would have to speak with the monks who live to the southeast of town. Only they could train you in such sorcery."

I went to the people who are to train me, it no surprise it was Terrance and Philip. They soon taught me how to do Nagasaki in battle. Which is pretty effective. After all that, we arrived at the cave to save the Prime Minister.

We battled through Dire Bears and Wolves and Snakes to be able to free him. When we finally defeated them all we go over to the Minister and handed him the letter.

He kept speaking in French which I understand it a little, but I'm a little off on my French.
Minister: "JE SUIS LIBRE! JE SUIS LIBRE!" (I'm free! I'm free)
"Oh, ne vous besoin de quelque chose traduit?" (Oh, do you need something translated?)

"Ok, cela se traduit par cela... cela se traduit par cela..." (OK, this means that... this means that...)
"Voila! Bon Jour! Merci beaucoup!" (Here is(sic)! Hello! Thank you very much.)
Chloe: "Um?? Thank you?"

We headed towards Annie so then she can send me back. She put a blind fold on me until we were out of sight from Kyle, so he doesn't find out I'm a girl.

When we got there, I handed Wendy the note.
Wendy: "See? Right here it says that five women were at the clinic that day."
Generic Girl: "And right there it says Nancy Turner 3:30 pm!"
Red: "That's HEIDI'S mom! So HEIDI TURNER was the two-faced bitch!"

Wendy: "The evidence is irrefutable. Thanks, Chloe. We now know it was Heidi Turner all along who was spreading the rumors."
Lola: "Freakin whore!"
Generic Girl: "Two-faced butt rag!"

Bebe: "Fuck Heidi Turner in her fucking two-faced ass!"
Wendy: "But Heidi is really sorry, so we're deciding to forgive her."
Heidi: "I love you guys so much!"

Bebe: "We love you too Heidi!"
Wendy: "You've served the girls well, Chloe, and so you have our services. Tell the boys we will play their game. (bangs gavel) Sparkle!"

Chloe: (normal voice) "Wow.. you girls are really something."
Wendy: "Oh wait Chloe!"
Chloe: "Yeah?"
Wendy: "We wanted to let you know, that because of helping us, we wanted you to join our group!"

Chloe: "R-Really? You want me to join you guys?"
All: "Yeah!!"
Chloe: *tears up* "You girls are the best!"
They all started to gather around me and gave me a big hug. I'm so lucky! They all soon to separate from me.

Wendy: "Now go out there and help the boys!"
Chloe: "Thank you again guys!!"
I throw on my hood and headed straight to Kyle's house and towards to the backyard. I soon told him the news about the girls joining us.

Kyle: "Everyone listen up! The girls have agreed to fight by our side!"
ALL: "Huzzah!"
Stan: "The pirates and the Federation factions are standing by to fight as well, my Lord!"
Cartman: "Then the time for talk is over! Let us all make haste to CLYDE'S HOUSE!"

To Be Continued ~

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