chapy 4

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It never even occurs to Chanyeol that what he’s doing is dangerous, even though Wufan makes it his duty to remind him on a daily basis.

“Chanyeol, they can see you. They’re going to find you.”

“I know.”

But he doesn’t really know. He can say the words but he can’t feel the meaning. They can find him, maybe. They could hurt him, maybe. They can kill him, maybe. But, as irrational is it is, it all seems so very unimportant in the face of Baekhyun’s soft kisses and heavenly voice.

Because he’s irrational, because he just doesn’t understand, Chanyeol continues to climb the stairs of the steam tower, pushing weight onto the other side of the dwitch andeffectively turning his world upside down.

It’s only the second time, but Up Above is beginning to feel more like right side up.

He races down the steps and runs down the streets, his mind spins and he’s not paying attention to anything but the distance he has to run, the gap he needs to close, between Baekhyun and himself. And maybe he’s a fool because that’s all he knows and all he can remember.

He runs along the side of Baekhyun’s mansion and skids to a stop when he nears an alleyway. It’s dark, lit only by one flickering light, and it’s blocked off by a fence that stretches all the way up to the sky.

There’s caution tape, bright yellow warnings wrapped in layers around the fence, but when he squints, he can just make out a familiar blue DUMPSTER. It’s still unused and clean.

He feels a pang of bittersweet nostalgia before he walks down the alley and settles his fingers around that familiar metal doorknob. He doesn’t expect it to open, but with the twist of his wrist, he’s in.

He doesn’t exactly have a plan, but he finds himself climbing up the steps the fourth floor, tracing his steps from before. He throws open the door and for the first time in days, he feels at rest. The FRENCH DOORS are wide open, feathery white curtains billowing with the wind. It’s not cold, because the fire burns in the hearth and the sun is still high in the sky.

Baekhyun is sprawled across a different set of comforters, the ones Chanyeol had last seen long since changed out. His face is buried in one of his many throw pillows and his delicate hand is shoved down the front of his pants.

Chanyeol stands frozen in the doorway. Baekhyun doesn’t seem to have noticed his presence, and Chanyeol doesn’t make an effort to make himself known. He just watches as Baekhyun gasps into the pillows, thrusting desperately into his hand.

“Chanyeol,” Baekhyun moans. For a second, Chanyeol thinks Baekhyun has caught him, and he flushes, cheeks quickly becoming hot to the touch. Then, Baekhyun comes with a shudder and he flips his head so he’s facing the doorway. His eyes widen with shock when he sees Chanyeol there, staring dumbfoundedly.

Baekhyun quickly rips his hand from out of his pants and flushes, surely matching Chanyeol’s exact shade of red.

“I-- I--” Baekhyun stutters while zipping up his trousers and sitting properly.

Chanyeol does a bad job of suppressing his smile and Baekhyun takes it as an invitation to laugh sheepishly.

“I missed you,” Baekhyun admits, blush still staining his cheeks.

“I missed you too,” Chanyeol smiles and makes his way across to room to plant a kiss, full on Baekhyun’s lips.

Baekhyun laughs, burrowing into Chanyeol’s shoulder, “Look at us. This is crazy.”

Chanyeol sits next to Baekhyun and holds him, just for a moment. Baekhyun rests his cheek against his shoulder and as much as Chanyeol enjoyed their last night together, he can’t help but wish that they could have this forever instead.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2014 ⏰

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