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Draco ran to the astrominy tower as fast as he could. once he got there he froze, he saw harry on the edge of the damn tower, Hermione begging for him to get off and Ron, oh poor Ron, screaming and crying for Harry to back up. But Ron's reaction was nothing compared to Draco's reaction He was shaking, sobbing uncontrollably, screaming ''HARRY! HAREBEAR! BABYBOY! PLEASE GET OFF!'' it  was a mess and to much pressure on Harry.

harry's pov 

it was to much pressure I didn't know what to do... Do I jump or do I not?...I-I its too hard....Forget it! im going to j-jump. four more steps until the edge, three more steps until the edge, two more steps, one more step. Zero now, this is it I was going to jump on the count of three





it felt so free when I fell I was going to see everyone that died because of me,but...what about the people that are alive? what will they think? Hermione...,Ron....,....and Draco, Oh my god Draco! I-I didn't think about him! I-I dont want him to hate me, because im not there anymore, he probably will not miss me, no one will, or maybe they do...Ron, Hermione, and Draco. I-I made a mistake! im going to lose the most important people in my life! w-well I-im going to die now, and I cant rewind time, this is it, goodbye world....

that is until....

Hey guys! haha I left you in a cliffhanger! 

im back long time no see huh? yea well I kinda had a writers block so its been a little hard finding inspiration ya'know? but yea ill update on all my storys! plase read them please! if you follow, Vote and read my story to the end that it is now and leave cristim and comment on all my storys ill follow you! also my mouse broke so I wont be able to fix spelling errors for awhile so sorry about that! okay that's all bye!

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