Chapter 1: The two mysterious figures

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"What a lovely day it is today" Nina spoke while breathing in the spring air as she walked down the path in the park "Yes indeed" Ichi smiled at her making the girl blush. "Yeah I know but at least it's holidays and no sign of any other examines" Zero exclaims with his arms behind his head.

"I wouldn't think that so soon Zero~" San's voice rang out over the whole park as the gigantic owl landed with the two jumping off landing right opposite them, "We have come for the crystal pearl" Forte pulled out his flute "Here comes the heat" as fire was hurled at the group "Defense magic! Crystal barrier!!!" Ichi yells as he deflects the fire with his magic.

"Destruction magic mega cannon!!!" (can't remember the name :D) Zero yells as his magic destroys Fortes fire, "Hehehe I'm not done playing yet! Summoner magic! I summon big air fish!!" San waved her staff and huge air fish head towards them.

"Ah I haven't seen so many before!!!" Nina squeaks hiding behind Zero, Zero hurls fire balls at the fish but they keep on coming "Ichi anyway to-" Zero was interrupted by a man falling out of the sky and landing right in the middle of the battle.

The man had jet black hair, red eyes and a black dinner suit on, all of them stopped where they were "Well well well is this the perfect world the good one created" the man chuckled darkly as he walked around in a circle and his eyes stop in Nina, "Gosh what do we have here" he walks right up to her and grabs her chin making her look up as Zero looks like he's going to explode.

"Hey mister what do you think you are doing with Nina!!!" Zero taps the man on the shoulder and he turns around "I am making my mind up if I want this girl or not?" he towered over Zero, "Well I've got news for you mister Nina belongs to us and as long as she does we will do everything to protect her" "Well then I will just take her for myself".

The man vanishes and then repairers behind Nina, grabbing hold of her by the waist and floated into the sky until two people fall in the sky: one with deep red hair and green eyes with his long coat trailing behind him and a girl with light brown hair and sparkling lilac eyes jump down on the ground "I don't think so Sento" the girl said sternly.

"And who are you two?" the man called Sento asked and the boy just scoffed "How could you not!!! We are some of the most powerful protectors of the magic world" the girl just faced palmed "I'm the summoner/card maker called Cyclone" he bows his head "And my partner Azumi one of the greatest defense mages" she just stared coldly at Sento.

"Well as I would love to fight you two I have many other things to take so bye~" Sento disappeared still holding Nina, "NO NINA!!" Zero yelled as he sank to his knees with Ichi patting him on the back "Nice move Cyclone we finally caught up to the envies basted and then you have to do the long intro thingie" Azumi whacked him over the head. 

"Ow Azumiiii that hurt" he whined "And now we got that girl caught so we better move fast so we can rescue her" Azumi said facing her partner not knowing about the stares coming from Ichii and Zero, "Excuse me but WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED!!!" Zero yelled grabbing her arm "Wo chill mate I can explain and sorry for the interruption of your final exam we will get your girlfriend back as soon as possible".

"She is NOT my girlfriend" Zero let Azumi go "Anyway tell us what the hell is going on and who are you two?" Zero said calmer "Well-" Cyclone was cut off "No Cyclone let me talk this time" Azumi looked at him and he nodded.

"As Cyclone said before we are powerful mages but we're not the brightest, some people call us crooks or just plain stupid, but the only one who believes in us is the Grand mage himself" she looked at Zero and Ichi before continuing "We were suppose to deliver the box holding the seven deadly sins to a different place".

"But the idiot next to me dropped it and the magic seal broke" she gave a look in Cyclone's direction "So we now have to collect the seven monsters" and she looked at the two of them "And we are truly sorry about what happened to your friend we will do every thing in our power to save her and I can tell she means a lot to you" Azumi smiled.

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