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After the beach party I went home once I got home my mom's friend

which was a boy started to flirt about me which  made me

literally annoyed, mad, disgusted by this man,  he was so

disgusting for flirting with me as a 18 year old girl he looked

26 years old much older than me most likely, but I didn't if he

was older or not, but mom thought we should be a couple, and I

opened my mouth and left the room to barf because what my mom had

said to me made me utterly disgusted by the comment. IT WAS SO

DISGUSTING. I hated it!! It was so gross!! Of me dating him? Ew!!

Just no. No, no. Nobody should date that man. He's too

flirtatious.. which is disgusting taste, if someone does like

flirty.. go for it... I guess? 

I don't want that kind of man, I want someone tsundre, and trusting towards me, and tells secrets they never had told before.

But if they hurt me, and they never tell me, it would hurt me of

my trustworthy towards them what they had just done to my poor

gentle, sweet, kind, lovely heart of mine.... they caused trouble...

I don't want this realtionship!! I want hikaru.. not him..

He's a player... not a friend to me, he's to older than me to even

be a boyfriend of mine, what is mom thinking?! Ugh! She never

thinks right it's the worse thing possible to happen ever to me.

I hate my mom sometimees, they are just the worst with wise

decision in this impossible, wise choices, to decide how  to deal

with y life at the very cost, or high cost of families of our

lives... at least hikaru, and the hosts can help me in my eyes..


hate your touch. (Hikaru x oc)Where stories live. Discover now