We're Saving Him

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"No. No. n-no. God fucking dammit; no!" The young male urgently pulled his backpack off of his back, racing over to what his eyes trailed off to. His legs crouched down; the male's knees were now touching the concrete ground. A hand washed over the scaly skin of the baby tyrannosaurus rex. Ian walked over to the other side of the animal so that he was looking at his face. The dark haired male placed his hand on the top of the animal's head. The tiny dinosaur let out a few grunts and moans, letting Ian know that he was still alive, but barely.

Brown hues shifted upward. Seeing Andrew and Wilder walk up to him, with sad and worried expressions on their faces. The male's lips formed in a grim shape, as he got up. He looked at his two friends. Then he crouched down, picking up the baby in his arms. Its head rested on the male's shoulders. They had to do something, and quick before the baby would die; and then, who knows? May the parents wreak havoc trying to find their baby? Or worse. But what can be worse than that? Ian stood there; a look of determination enticed his features. "We're saving him." That was all he could muster out before turning in the opposite direction and heading to their jeep. The dark haired male could hear his friends calling out to him; perhaps to knock some sense into him, but he ignored those calls and kept moving. Both Henry and Wilder raced up to the jeep. "Open the door." With hesitation, Wilder opened the back door, allowing Ian to crawl inside. Once the door was shut, the blonde got into the passenger side; turning to his friend, with a disapproving look on his face.

"Do you even have any idea, how stupid and dangerous this is?" He asked. "The parents are going to come looking for their baby, then they will see us. You better hope to god that they just gulp us down rather than shaking us like bloody rag dolls." The volume in Wilder's voice increased. A sigh drew from Ian's lips.

"I could not leave him to die." Ian's head turned to Andrew, who was looking at Ian through the rearview mirror. "Drive. Now!" A demanding tone overtook him. The vehicle started to move; increasing in speed as they pulled further away from the facility owned by Ingen corporation. The brunette male kept his eyes on the baby, making sure it was still alive, and still alert. He was barely alert, However, he could feel slow breathing coming out of the animal. Part of Ian wanted to beg Henry to drive faster, but he knew that they would be back at the trailer in a few minutes. But a lot can happen in a few short minutes. He just knew he had to keep his adrenaline and worryment under control. The male inhaled slowly; breathing out slowly through his nostrils, all while cradling the infant in his arms, trying his best to comfort him. He could only imagine how much pain the baby was in. Animals can only take so much.

The jeep pulled up to their trailer. The Asian male got out of the driver's side, opening the back door for Ian, letting the leader crawl out of the back seat of the vehicle. Ian raced to the door, with Wilder opening it for him. He then made his way into the recreational vehicle. "Pull out the table," Ian said in a demanding tone. Henry wheeled the table over to the empty space of the trailer. The dark haired male placed the infant on the rolling table. He breathed heavily for a few moments; examining the scene of the infant T-rex laying on the object; not roaring but only making a few grunts and moans. He then reached over to the medical supplies that they had. The male filled a syringe with morphine. He stuck the needle in the animal's leg, and then the dinosaur started to relax. Ian only hoped that the animal would not feel any pain after that. The male made his way to the anterior of the dinosaur, examining a bullet wound that went in and out of his leg. "He must have just lost a lot of blood." Ian picked up the infants leg, noticing an exit point. "That'll do it." With no hesitation, Ian ran to the medicine cabinet. He spent a few moments rummaging through it before finally finding a needle and suture. Walking back to his original spot, he got to work. He laced the sutures through the wound on the infant's leg. After a few stitches, one side of the baby's leg was done. Ian scooped the baby in his arms, flipping him over carefully, and stitching up the other side of his leg, where the bullet would have exited.

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